this is the most frustrating software for a class leading industry. This is absolutely ridiculous.

First let's start off with Mac integration. Before the huge release for MT5 for Mac I was using Eightcaps software where they were using wine and so forth. App was working and I was happy. however I got curious and wanted to see MQl5 official release. So as any normal person, I Installed. Oh boy did I **** up on that decision. This software is riddled with bugs and so many annoyances. I don't even know where to begin. 

Lets go in detail on bugs and annoyances 


-templates and indicators have to be reassigned on every new instance the software is opened 

What type of shabby Software does this? only this one I guess. 

- The new Report Overview 

This is supposed to let a user see their performance, their Sharpe ratio (which MQL Was so obligated to put down as their first feature), and other metrics DOESNT EVEN WORK. 

ALL there is a blank white screen.

- MQL Store 

This was supposed to be where you can buy and download indicators and utilities

Truthfully it's a hit or miss!! Sometimes what you search for pops up. other times it just shows the notorious blank white screen (even when you know what you're searching for exist). Not Surprised.

Im only 60 minutes into this NEW software and it's an absolute joke. I'm literally laughing to myself thinking a whole sort of things. CTRADER here I come.