How can I see what exactly went wrong when a forward optimization pass fails?


I have been experiencing bugs in forward optimization for a while now and I am trying to identify the problem (post about bugs: The only error message that shows up says in the journal tab is  "x forward passes not processed and returned to task queue". If I select full optimization logs it just tells me that each individual pass was not process and was returned to the queue. The logs in appdata/metaquotes/tester/your_tester_id/agent1-32/logs doesn't show that anything is wrong. How can I get it to print info on the cause of the problem? Would GetLastError work for this even though the code isn't what's causing the problem? (I have ran Identical code to someone else and mine bugs out and theirs doesn't)


MT5 forward testing bugs. - Here's how forward testing bugs affect your results
MT5 forward testing bugs. - Here's how forward testing bugs affect your results
  • 2023.09.23
This post is about a some weirdly related (i think) bugs that happen when forward testing optimized results. The first bug is that the displayed results from the top section of backtesting passes in forward tab are wrong