Multi Time Frame Moving Average and how to make it work on 1 min chart - page 2


I tried the version with changes You made, but there is still no plot of MA. In log file I have the message 

But I can see the indicator in list. My build is 

Dragisa Vasiljevic #: I tried the version with changes You made, but there is still no plot of MA. In log file I have the message. But I can see the indicator in list. My build is 

Did you compile it?

PS! I disabled the interpolation because there are still bugs in that functionality.



Dragisa Vasiljevic #:Yes But:

Something seems wrong on your setup. Don't rename it.

Replace the original with the modified one and recompile it.

Delete the others, both their source code file and their executable one.


I have never noticed this before, because I prefer "Equivalence", but most of the MTFs in the CodeBase are old and poorly written.

I prefer "Equivalence", because it is not dependant on secondary Indicators and works for many types of Indicators, not only moving averages.

It does not work for all Indicators, but many do work correctly with "Equivalence, for example, MACD, RSI, and others that are based on moving averages.


Thank You Fernando. I will do that, and also I will try on the other broker. 

Anyway, I will let You know what happened.

Dragisa Vasiljevic #: Thank You Fernando. I will do that, and also I will try on the other broker. Anyway, I will let You know what happened.

It has nothing to do with broker. I am using the same broker as you! MetaTrader is the same irrespective of broker's branding!

I'm also using the same build as you. So you must be doing something wrong on your end.


I will install it on the other computer. I am so dissapoint with this, 

Once again, Thank You. We'll be in touch.


getIndicatorName method is wrong

I replaced it with the beow to make it work

string WindowExpertName(void)