Quantitative trading - page 19


What is the impact of jumps on implied volatility?

What is the impact of jumps on implied volatility?

Welcome to the Questions and Answers series on computational finance. Today, we have question number 12 out of 30, which is based on materials from lecture number five. The question of the day is: What is the impact of jumps on implied volatility?

Let's consider a simple Black-Scholes model or geometric Brownian motion for our asset. Initially, without jumps, the input volatility is constant, resulting in a flat implied volatility curve. However, when we introduce jumps, we observe changes in the implied volatility curve, which leads to the question at hand.

To analyze the impact of jumps on implied volatility, we will explore Merton's model, an extension of the Black-Scholes framework that incorporates a jump component. In Merton's model, the stock dynamics include a part that corresponds to jumps and a part related to a jump generator.

The jump generator is represented by a Poisson process, which determines whether a jump has occurred or not. The multiplier component indicates the direction and magnitude of the jump. Additionally, there is a deterministic component in the drift, which arises from the compensation or Martingale compensator of the Poisson process.

The relation between the jump magnitude and the stock dynamics can be understood by examining the logarithmic transformation. Under this transformation, we observe a continuous path driven by the Brownian motion until a jump occurs. After the transformation, the jump component is modified accordingly.

The introduction of jumps impacts the realization and paths of the stochastic process. The paths exhibit jumps in both upward and downward directions, depending on the realization from the normal distribution that governs the jumps. The stock paths remain continuous but with intermittent jumps, determined by the Poisson process.

Now, let's focus on the impact of these model parameters on implied volatilities. In the case of Merton's model, where the jump magnitude follows a normal distribution with mean (μ) and standard deviation (σ), we have three additional parameters: the intensity of the Poisson process, the volatility (σJ) for the jump component, and the mean (μJ) of the normal distribution, which determines the prevalence of positive or negative jumps.

Analyzing the parameters' impact on implied volatilities, we observe the following trends:

  1. Sigma J (volatility of the jump component): Increasing Sigma J introduces more uncertainty and volatility, resulting in a change in the implied volatility level and the introduction of a smile effect. For small values of J, the implied volatility curve remains flat, resembling the Black-Scholes case.

  2. Intensity of jumps: Controlling the intensity of jumps influences the overall level of volatility. Increasing the intensity leads to higher volatility but does not significantly affect the skew or smile of the implied volatility curve. The impact is mainly a parallel shift of volatilities.

  3. Mu J (mean of the normal distribution for jump magnitude): Varying Mu J allows us to introduce skewness into the model. Negative values of Mu J result in a more negative skew, while positive values increase the prevalence of positive jumps. By adjusting Mu J, along with other parameters like Psi (scale), we can achieve a better calibration of implied volatility skew while keeping the at-the-money level calibrated.

It's important to note that calibration should always prioritize the at-the-money level to ensure an accurate fit. In the presence of significant skew in the market, adjusting Mu J can help align the model's implied volatility skew with the market's skew. Additionally, over time, the smile and skew effects introduced by jumps tend to flatten out. Short-maturity options exhibit the most pronounced impact of jumps on implied volatility, while for longer times, this impact diminishes.

In summary, by incorporating jumps into the model, we can introduce both skew and smile effects into the implied volatility curve. However, the skew effect is more pronounced than the smile effect. The parameters that have the most significant impact on implied volatilities in Merton's model are Sigma J (volatility of the jump component), the intensity of jumps, and Mu J (mean of the jump magnitude distribution).

Increasing Sigma J introduces more volatility and uncertainty, leading to changes in the implied volatility level and the introduction of a smile effect. Higher intensities of jumps result in overall higher volatilities, but the impact on skew and smile is minimal, leading to a parallel shift in the implied volatility curve.

Adjusting Mu J allows us to control the skewness in the model. Negative values of Mu J increase the negative skew, while positive values enhance the prevalence of positive jumps. By fine-tuning Mu J and other parameters like Psi, we can calibrate the model to match the implied volatility skew observed in the market. It's crucial to ensure that the calibration considers not only the skew but also the at-the-money level.

Over time, the smile and skew effects introduced by jumps tend to flatten out. Short-maturity options exhibit the most significant impact of jumps on implied volatility, while for longer maturities, the impact diminishes.

In conclusion, incorporating jumps into the model allows us to capture the skew and, to some extent, the smile in implied volatility curves. The parameters Sigma J, intensity of jumps, and Mu J play crucial roles in determining the impact on implied volatilities. By understanding these relationships, we can analyze and calibrate the model to better match market observations.

What is the impact of jumps on implied volatility?
What is the impact of jumps on implied volatility?
  • 2023.02.09
  • www.youtube.com
Computational Finance Q&A, Volume 1, Question 12/30▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Materials discussed in this video are based on:1) FREE online cours...

How to derive a characteristic function for a model with jumps?

How to derive a characteristic function for a model with jumps?

Welcome to the question and answer session on computational finance. Today, we have question number 13, which is based on lecture number five. The question is, "How to derive a characteristic function for a model with jumps?" Let's begin by discussing the famous Merton's jump diffusion model, which is defined as a combination of a deterministic part, a Brownian motion, and a Poisson process representing jumps.

In this model, the path value at time t (X_t) is equal to X_0 (the initial value) plus a deterministic drift term. It also includes a Brownian motion component with constant volatility. However, the key element of this model is the Poisson process representing jumps. The jumps are defined as a summation of jump sizes (J_k) for k ranging from 1 to X_p(t), where X_p(t) is the Poisson process.

Each jump size (J_k) in Merton's model is considered a random variable and is independent of the others. This assumption simplifies the analysis since the jumps occur independently and follow identical distributions. This is the standard case considered in practice, as incorporating correlation between the Poisson process and the Brownian motion can be more complex.

To derive the characteristic function for this model, let's look at the steps involved. Firstly, we substitute the expression for X_t into the characteristic function definition, which involves the expectation of e^(iuX_t). Since the jumps and the Brownian motion are independent, we can factorize the expectation as a product of expectations for each component.

Next, we focus on the expectation of the jumps (J_k). Since the jump sizes are independent and identically distributed, we can rewrite the expectation as the product of expectations for each jump size raised to the power of n. This simplifies the expression and allows us to switch from a summation to an exponent.

To calculate the expectation of the jumps, we employ the concept of conditional expectation. We condition the jumps on the realization of the Poisson process (X_p(t)) and calculate the expectation by summing over all possible realizations of the Poisson process. The resulting expression involves an integral over the jump size distribution, which represents the expectation of e^(iuJ_k).

By applying these steps, we can transform the complex expression involving the Poisson process and jump sizes into a more concise form. The characteristic function becomes an exponent of a function involving the deterministic part, the Brownian motion, and the integral of the jump size distribution. The expectation term in the integral depends on the distribution of the jump sizes.

Analytically determining this expectation can be challenging and depends on the specific distribution chosen for the jump sizes. However, understanding the steps involved in deriving the characteristic function allows us to grasp the fundamental principles behind it. This characteristic function is crucial for various calculations, including Fourier transformations, and plays a significant role in model calibration.

How to derive a characteristic function for a model with jumps?
How to derive a characteristic function for a model with jumps?
  • 2023.02.13
  • www.youtube.com
Computational Finance Q&A, Volume 1, Question 13/30▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Materials discussed in this video are based on:1) FREE online cours...

Is the Heston model with time-dependent parameters affine?

Is the Heston model with time-dependent parameters affine?

Welcome to this series of questions and answers based on the Computational Finance course. Today, we have question number 14, which is based on lectures number six and seven. The question is as follows:

Is the Heston model with time-dependent parameters affine?

To understand the purpose of making models with time-dependent parameters, let's first discuss the original Heston model, which had constant parameters. In the original model, there were five parameters, providing five degrees of freedom for calibration to the implied volatility surface. By introducing time dependence to these parameters, we expand the scope of possibilities and potentially improve the calibration to market quotes.

However, it is important to consider the cost associated with time-dependent parameters. While having more parameters and making them time-dependent can make the model more flexible, it also increases the complexity of calibration. But let's focus on whether the model remains affine and if we can still find the corresponding characteristic function.

Affine models are characterized by linearity in state variables. If we have a system of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) for state variables Xt, we need to satisfy linearity conditions. This involves having a constant times a vector of state variables in the drift term and an instantaneous covariance matrix in the diffusion term. The difficult part is ensuring linearity in the covariance because it requires considering the squares of volatility.

Additionally, the same linearity conditions must hold for interest rates. Once the affinity condition is satisfied, we can find the corresponding characteristic function using the concepts explained in lectures six and seven. This characteristic function is given by recursive functions A and B, which are solutions to the Riccati-type ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The form of the characteristic function involves exponential functions of A and B.

It is worth mentioning that the model's parameters should first undergo a log transformation to ensure affinity. The Heston model consists of two dimensions: the stock dimension and the variance process. If we consider the original non-log-transformed model, the covariance matrix is not affine due to the square terms. However, after performing the log transformation, the Heston model becomes affine in the log space.

Now, let's address the question of time-dependent parameters in the Heston model. If we introduce time dependence to the parameters, we end up with a more complex expression for the covariance matrix. Nonetheless, the deterministic part of the parameters doesn't affect the affinity condition since the focus is on the linearity of state variables. As a result, the Heston model remains affine even with time-dependent parameters.

However, the challenge arises when solving the corresponding Riccati-type ODEs with time-dependent parameters. In generic cases, where parameters are fully time-dependent, we lack analytical solutions for these ODEs. This means that for each argument U in the characteristic function, we need to perform time integration, which can be computationally expensive.

On the other hand, if we consider piecewise constant parameters, where the parameters are constant within specific intervals, we can still find the corresponding characteristic function in an analytic form. However, this characteristic function becomes recursive, and multiple characteristic functions depend on each other if we have multiple intervals for time-dependent parameters.

I hope this explanation clarifies the concept. See you next time!

Is the Heston model with time-dependent parameters affine?
Is the Heston model with time-dependent parameters affine?
  • 2023.02.16
  • www.youtube.com
Computational Finance Q&A, Volume 1, Question 14/30▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Materials discussed in this video are based on:1) FREE online cours...

Why is adding more and more factors to the pricing models not the best idea?

Why is adding more and more factors to the pricing models not the best idea?

Welcome to the series of questions and answers based on the course "Computational Finance." Today, we have question number 15 out of 30, which is based on lecture number six. The question is as follows: Why is adding more factors to the pricing model not the best idea?

When we want to increase the flexibility of a pricing model, the natural inclination is to introduce additional stochastic factors. For example, by making the parameters stochastic. However, there are several considerations to take into account before making the model more complex.

The first critical point is the issue of overfitting. In statistics, we learn that increasing the number of factors in a model may improve its fit to historical data. However, the predictive power of such a model becomes limited, and it may not perform well with new data. In finance, this is particularly problematic because market data can change, and a model that fits perfectly today may perform poorly tomorrow. Therefore, overfitting should be avoided.

Another consideration is the homogeneity of parameters. A well-calibrated model should ideally have stable parameters over time. If a model perfectly matches historical data but fails to capture the evolution of market data, it lacks homogeneity. Traders require models with stable parameters to effectively hedge their positions, so too much flexibility in the model can be detrimental.

Additionally, the issue of computational efficiency arises when adding more factors. In finance, models are often calibrated by evaluating European options multiple times and comparing them to market prices. The efficient evaluation of the characteristic function becomes crucial in this process. Higher-dimensional models may not meet the strict affinity conditions required for efficient evaluation. Moreover, volatility processes, which are important for option pricing, have limited flexibility for introducing stochastic parameters. This makes it difficult to add extra factors without sacrificing calibration accuracy.

Considering hedging of parameters, adding more factors can complicate the calibration process and increase computational complexity. If Monte Carlo simulation is used for pricing or sensitivity analysis, higher-dimensional models require more computational resources and slower calibration. Therefore, the trade-off between model complexity and computational efficiency should be carefully assessed.

It's essential to analyze the actual impact and benefits of introducing stochasticity into the model. Simply making parameters stochastic may not significantly improve the implied volatility shapes or provide the desired flexibility in pricing complex derivatives. It's crucial to evaluate the overall impact of added factors on the model's output and assess whether the objectives of the model justify the cost of complexity.

However, there are cases where adding extra factors is necessary or beneficial. Hybrid models, such as those involving stochastic interest rates and equity stocks, may require additional stochasticity to accurately price exotic derivatives involving multiple asset classes. The decision to add extra factors depends on the specific objectives and requirements of the derivatives being priced.

In conclusion, while adding more factors to a pricing model can provide increased flexibility, it is not always the best approach. Overfitting, lack of homogeneity, computational complexity, and limited benefits should be carefully considered. The decision to add extra factors should align with the objectives and requirements of the derivatives being priced.

Why is adding more and more factors to the pricing models not the best idea?
Why is adding more and more factors to the pricing models not the best idea?
  • 2023.02.20
  • www.youtube.com
Computational Finance Q&A, Volume 1, Question 15/30▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Materials discussed in this video are based on:1) FREE online cours...

Can you interpret the Heston model parameters and their impact on the volatility surface?

Can you interpret the Heston model parameters and their impact on the volatility surface?

Welcome to today's Q&A session on the topic of Computational Finance. Today's question, number 16, is focused on the interpretation of the Heston model parameters and their impact on the volatility surface. The Heston model is an extension of the Black-Scholes model, where volatility is assumed to be constant. However, in the custom Heston model, volatility is driven by a stochastic process, allowing for volatility skew and smile based on the model parameters.

In finance, it is crucial for the model parameters to have independent impacts on the implied volatility surface. This means that each parameter should play a distinct role in calibration and generating implied volatilities. The Heston model achieves this as each parameter has a different impact on the implied volatilities.

Let's explore the possible shapes and impacts of these parameters on the implied volatility surface. In the first two graphs, we consider the mean reversion parameter, Kappa, which represents the speed of mean reversion for the variance process. Increasing the mean reversion parameter introduces some skew and changes the level of implied volatility, although the impact on skew is limited. In practice, the mean reversion parameter is often pre-calibrated or fixed, as it plays a small offsetting role with respect to correlation.

Next, we have the long-term mean and initial point parameters. These parameters mainly affect the level of long-term volatility and do not have a significant impact on skew or smile.

The most interesting parameter in the Heston model is the correlation parameter. Negative correlations are recommended in the Heston model as they control skew. Stronger negative correlations result in more skew in the model. Positive correlations can cause numerical problems and may lead to explosive moments in the Heston model. In practice, we would expect a negative correlation between the asset price and volatility, meaning that as volatility increases, the asset price decreases, and vice versa.

Examining the volatility surface, we observe that a lower correlation leads to more smile in the implied volatilities, while a higher correlation introduces more skew.

It's important to note that the Heston model has limitations. For short expiries, the skew in the Heston model may be insufficient, and additional models like the Bates model, which incorporates jumps, can be considered to capture extreme skew in short-term options.

Understanding the relationships between different parameters and their impacts on the implied volatility surface is crucial in the calibration and application of the Heston model. For more detailed information on the Heston model parameters, implied volatilities, and calibration, I recommend revisiting lecture number seven.

I hope this explanation clarifies the interpretation of the Heston model parameters and their effects on implied volatilities. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. See you next time!

Can you interpret the Heston model parameters and their impact on the volatility surface?
Can you interpret the Heston model parameters and their impact on the volatility surface?
  • 2023.02.23
  • www.youtube.com
Computational Finance Q&A, Volume 1, Question 16/30▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Materials discussed in this video are based on:1) FREE online cours...

Can we model volatility with the Arithmetic Brownian Motion process?

Can we model volatility with the Arithmetic Brownian Motion process?

Welcome to the Computational Finance course's Q&A session!

Today's question, number 17, relates to the material covered in Lecture 7. The question is whether we can model volatility using an arithmetic Brownian motion process.

Throughout the course, we have extensively studied stochastic volatility models, such as the Heston model. We have learned about the impact of various model parameters on implied volatility surfaces and the advantages of employing a Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) type of process for volatility in the Heston model.

However, the question here explores the possibility of using a much simpler approach by specifying the volatility process as a normally distributed process, without the complexity of the CIR model. This idea has already been addressed in the literature and is known as the Shobel-Zoo model.

In the Shobel-Zoo model, the volatility process is driven by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) process, which is a normally distributed process characterized by mean-reversion parameter (Kappa), long-term volatility (Sigma bar), and volatility of volatility (gamma).

While the Shobel-Zoo model appears simpler than the Heston model, it is not without its complexities. One challenge arises when we perform a log transformation on the model's structure. This transformation introduces a covariance term that violates the affine condition required for a model to be classified as affine. Affine models should be linear in all state variables, but the presence of this covariance term makes the Shobel-Zoo model non-affine.

To address this issue, the Shobel-Zoo model defines a new variable, VT (equal to B Sigma squared T), which allows us to express the dynamics of the model in an affine form. However, this expansion of the state variables leads to three stochastic differential equations, making the model more involved compared to the Heston model.

Moreover, interpreting the model parameters and their impact on implied volatility becomes more convoluted in the Shobel-Zoo model. The dynamics of the VT process do not exhibit a clean mean-reverting behavior as observed in the Heston model. Consequently, calibrating the model to market data becomes more challenging due to the interplay between different model parameters. The lack of flexibility in the model structure further complicates the calibration process.

In summary, it is possible to consider a model with arithmetic Brownian motion for volatility, as shown in the Shobel-Zoo model. However, this approach may pose challenges, particularly in terms of calibrating the model to market data. The overall complexity and interpretability of the model may be more convoluted compared to the seemingly more complicated Heston model. Therefore, while feasible, employing an arithmetic Brownian motion process for volatility may not always be desired.

We hope this explanation clarifies the question. Thank you, and see you next time!

Can we model volatility with the Arithmetic Brownian Motion process?
Can we model volatility with the Arithmetic Brownian Motion process?
  • 2023.02.27
  • www.youtube.com
Computational Finance Q&A, Volume 1, Question 17/30▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Materials discussed in this video are based on:1) FREE online cours...

What are the benefits of FFT compared to a “brute force” integration?

What are the benefits of FFT compared to a “brute force” integration?

Welcome to today's questions and answers session, focused on the topic of computational finance. Today, we will be discussing question number 18, which is based on the materials covered in lecture number eight. The question for today is: What are the benefits of using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) compared to Brute Force integration when it comes to pricing derivatives?

In the context of derivative pricing, particularly options, FFT refers to Fourier transforms used for pricing options. Examples of methods that utilize FFT include the Karhunen-Loève approach and the COS method. The question aims to explore whether these methods are always necessary for pricing options and the advantages they offer.

One of the significant advantages of FFT-based methods is their speed. They are not only fast in pricing individual options for a given strike, but they also allow us to price multiple strikes simultaneously through matrix manipulations or interpolations. This becomes particularly beneficial when we need to calculate options for various strikes, which is often the case in practical applications.

However, it's important to note that if we have an analytical pricing formula available, numerical methods such as the FFT may not be necessary. In such cases, we can directly evaluate options using the analytical formula, which is a straightforward approach. Unfortunately, there are only a few models for which we have analytical pricing formulas. Models like the Heston model or the SABR model, which do not belong to the affine class of processes, often lack an analytical solution. Therefore, the next level of complexity involves finding characteristic functions and applying Fourier-based methods for pricing.

When considering the need for FFT-based methods, it is crucial to determine whether explicit solutions exist. If an explicit solution is available, there is no need for numerical methods. However, when explicit solutions are not available, but characteristic functions are known, methods like the FFT become valuable for numerical calculations.

To illustrate the limitations of brute force integration, let's consider a simple case with constant interest rates. In this case, the pricing equation using discounted cash flows boils down to the expectation of the future payoff discounted to the present. Expressing it in integral form allows us to see the density of the stock at maturity time T explicitly. If we had this density explicitly given, we could perform brute force integration to calculate the option price. However, when dealing with multiple strikes, evaluating the integral for each strike individually becomes cumbersome.

Additionally, computing this density often requires multiple integrations. For instance, if we discretize the range of stock prices from 0 to a certain value (denoted as s_star), we need to calculate the integral for each individual stock price. This leads to a large number of integrals, making brute force integration impractical.

The key advantage of using Fourier transforms, such as the FFT, is their ability to efficiently calculate option prices for multiple strikes. These methods are particularly useful when calibrating a model to market data, as we need to calculate option prices for a range of strikes. Fourier-based methods allow us to obtain option prices for multiple strikes simultaneously, significantly reducing the computational cost compared to brute force integration.

In summary, the benefits of FFT-based methods lie in their speed and the ability to price options for multiple strikes efficiently. These methods are preferred for pricing exotic derivatives in the market, as they enable calibration of the model. In contrast, if explicit pricing formulas are available, numerical methods may not be necessary. Understanding the objectives of the model and the integration requirements can help determine the most suitable pricing technique.

We hope this explanation sheds light on the benefits of using Fast Fourier Transform compared to Brute Force integration in derivative pricing. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. See you next time!

What are the benefits of FFT compared to a “brute force” integration?
What are the benefits of FFT compared to a “brute force” integration?
  • 2023.03.02
  • www.youtube.com
Computational Finance Q&A, Volume 1, Question 18/30▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Materials discussed in this video are based on:1) FREE online cours...

What to do if the FFT/COS method does not converge for increasing expansion terms?

What to do if the FFT/COS method does not converge for increasing expansion terms?

Welcome to today's session on Computational Finance, where we will be discussing question number 19. This question is based on the materials covered in Lecture 8, focusing on what to do when the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) or cost method fails to converge for increasing expansion terms.

One of the most frustrating aspects of Fourier-based methods is when the implemented pricing tools fail to converge or produce inaccurate results. It is crucial to address this issue to ensure reliable pricing evaluations. When encountering convergence problems, the resulting graph of the call option price may deviate from the expected behavior, exhibiting erratic behavior or even negative values. These issues can be attributed to various factors, such as coding errors or inadequate attention to certain implementation aspects like integration domains in Fourier space.

To address these problems, I will provide you with some insights and suggestions on where to look for potential issues and which parameters to modify to achieve convergence. To start, let's examine two experiments I have prepared to illustrate the convergence behavior.

In the first experiment, we focus on the recovery of a normal Probability Density Function (PDF) using the cost method. By varying the number of terms, we observe the behavior of the density. For a low number of terms, the recovered PDF may not resemble the normal distribution. However, as we increase the number of terms, the density shape improves. It is important to note that increasing the number of terms significantly may lead to the density becoming negative, which is undesirable. Furthermore, in cases where the density is highly peaked or exhibits unusual dynamics, increasing the number of terms may not result in better convergence. This suggests that there might be issues with other settings or parameters that require reevaluation.

The second experiment involves comparing two different distributions: a normal distribution and a log-normal distribution. We again observe the convergence behavior by varying the number of terms. In this case, we see that for a lower number of terms, the convergence is not satisfactory for both distributions. However, by increasing the number of terms, we achieve better convergence. This demonstrates the importance of finding the right balance and proper parameter selection for each distribution.

To gain further insights into the convergence behavior, it can be helpful to visualize the characteristic function in the Fourier domain. Although it may be challenging to imagine how the function looks in this domain, plotting it can provide valuable information about integration ranges and potential modifications needed. For instance, the characteristic function plot for the Black-Scholes model reveals an oscillatory spiral pattern that converges to zero. This indicates that most of the relevant information is concentrated within a certain range in the Fourier space, guiding us to focus our integration efforts accordingly.

Let's continue with the discussion on troubleshooting convergence issues when using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) or the Cost Method in financial computations.

As mentioned earlier, it's crucial to strike a balance and not rely solely on adjusting the parameter "L" for integration range. Instead, a more robust solution involves using cumulants, which are related to moments, to determine the proper integration range. Cumulants can be derived from the characteristic function and provide valuable insights into the distribution's behavior.

To calculate the integration range based on cumulants, you would need to perform differentiation and apply mathematical formulas specific to the cumulants of the distribution. This process might be more involved than simply adjusting the "L" parameter, but it offers a more accurate and systematic approach.

By considering the cumulants, you can determine the appropriate range for integration that captures the significant information of the distribution. This approach takes into account the specific characteristics of the distribution and ensures that the integration is performed over the relevant regions. It helps avoid unnecessary computation and improves convergence.

Another aspect to consider is the selection of the number of terms (also known as expansion terms) when using the FFT or Cost Method. The number of terms should be chosen carefully based on the complexity and behavior of the distribution being modeled. Increasing the number of terms allows for more accurate representation of the distribution, but it also increases the computational burden. Therefore, striking a balance between accuracy and computational efficiency is essential.

In some cases, doubling the number of terms may significantly improve convergence. However, for more complex distributions that exhibit accumulation around specific points, increasing the number of terms may not be sufficient for achieving satisfactory convergence. This indicates that other adjustments or modifications within the method need to be explored.

Furthermore, it can be helpful to visualize the characteristic function in the Fourier domain to gain insights into the convergence behavior. Plotting the characteristic function can provide information about the distribution of the values in the Fourier space and guide the selection of integration ranges. For example, if the characteristic function exhibits an oscillatory spiral pattern that converges to zero, it suggests that most of the relevant information is concentrated within a certain range in the Fourier space. This insight can help focus integration efforts and refine the choice of integration ranges.

Lastly, it's worth mentioning that there are various research papers and articles available that delve into the topic of selecting the truncation range and improving convergence in computational finance. Exploring these resources can provide valuable insights and alternative approaches to tackle convergence issues specific to your application or problem domain.

Remember, addressing convergence issues in financial computations requires a combination of careful parameter selection, understanding the characteristics of the distribution being modeled, and leveraging mathematical techniques such as cumulants to determine appropriate integration ranges.

What to do if the FFT/COS method does not converge for increasing expansion terms?
What to do if the FFT/COS method does not converge for increasing expansion terms?
  • 2023.03.06
  • www.youtube.com
Computational Finance Q&A, Volume 1, Question 19/30▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Materials discussed in this video are based on:1) FREE online cours...

What is a standard error? How to interpret it?

What is a standard error? How to interpret it?

Welcome to the Computational Finance Q&A session!

Today, we have question number 20, which pertains to Monte Carlo simulation in the context of pricing. The question specifically focuses on understanding the concept of standard error and how to interpret it. This question is relevant to situations where we discretize a stochastic model, perform pricing calculations, and observe slight variations in the results when repeating the simulation.

The difference in pricing observed when repeating the experiment can be quantified by the standard error, which measures the magnitude of this difference or the standard deviation of the prices across multiple simulations. It is crucial to accurately choose the number of simulated scenarios to ensure stable and consistent results. Significant price fluctuations between experiments can lead to unreliable conclusions and affect calculations such as hedging and sensitivity analysis.

The interpretation of the standard error is linked to the stochastic nature of calculating averages. In the context of sampling or simulation, the average or mean itself becomes a stochastic quantity that can change depending on the samples used. Therefore, it is essential to understand the variance of this expectation, which is where the concept of standard error comes into play.

The standard error is defined as the square root of the variance of the estimator used to approximate the real value. In Monte Carlo simulations, we typically start with a discretization grid that spans from the initial time (t0) to the maturity of the option. By simulating paths within this grid, we can approximate the distribution of the underlying asset at the desired maturity time (T). This simulated distribution allows us to evaluate the payoff for each path, and subsequently, calculate the average or expectation.

To estimate the option price, we include the discounted future payoff in the calculation. The standard error relates to the value obtained from this process. It quantifies the variability or uncertainty of the estimator based on the number of simulated paths. Determining the relationship between the number of paths and the variance of the estimator helps us understand how the precision of the estimation improves as we increase the number of paths.

According to the law of large numbers, as the number of paths tends to infinity, the estimator's average will converge to the theoretical expectation with probability one. However, we also want to examine the variance of the estimator. By analyzing the variance in terms of the number of paths, we can determine how the variability of the estimator decreases as we increase the number of paths.

The variance is inversely proportional to the square of the number of paths (1/N^2), where N represents the number of paths. We assume independence between the samples, meaning there are no cross-terms involved. The variance itself is estimated using an unbiased estimator based on the samples obtained. Substituting this estimation into the formula, we arrive at the variance divided by N, which represents the standard error.

The interpretation of the standard error involves understanding the relationship between the distribution's variance and the number of paths. If we increase the number of paths fourfold, the error will only be reduced by a factor of two due to the square root. Therefore, it's important to keep in mind that doubling the number of paths does not halve the error, but only provides a modest reduction.

In practical terms, when conducting Monte Carlo simulations, it is crucial to monitor the stability of results with respect to the number of paths. If increasing the number of paths does not lead to convergence or significant differences persist, it suggests the need to analyze the simulation's convergence further. This is particularly important for complex payoffs, such as callable options, digital derivatives, and exotic derivatives like American options. These types of payoffs may require a large number of Monte Carlo simulations to achieve stable and reliable results.

In summary, the standard error is a measure of the variability or uncertainty in pricing estimates obtained through Monte Carlo simulation. Analyzing the impact of the number of paths on the variance and standard error allows us to assess the stability and reliability of the simulation results. The standard error is derived from the variance of the estimator, which represents the variability of the estimation. By understanding the relationship between the number of paths and the variance, we can determine the optimal number of paths required to achieve a desired level of precision.

When dealing with European-type payoffs, convergence is typically attainable even with a moderate number of Monte Carlo paths. However, for more complex payoffs like callable options or digital derivatives, which are highly sensitive to paths, a larger number of simulations may be necessary to obtain sufficiently stable results.

It is crucial to pay close attention to the influence of the number of paths on the stability of results. Conducting thorough analysis and monitoring the convergence of the simulation can prevent unreliable conclusions or significant discrepancies in pricing calculations. This preemptive approach is essential to avoid potential issues when dealing with sensitive payoffs or performing hedging and sensitivity calculations.

In conclusion, understanding the concept of standard error and its interpretation is fundamental in the field of computational finance, particularly in Monte Carlo simulations. By considering the relationship between the number of paths, the variance of the estimator, and the standard error, we can make informed decisions about the precision and reliability of pricing estimates. Always remember to analyze and adjust the number of paths to ensure stable and accurate results in your simulations.

I hope this explanation provides a comprehensive understanding of the standard error and its interpretation in the context of Monte Carlo simulations. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

What is a standard error? How to interpret it?
What is a standard error? How to interpret it?
  • 2023.03.09
  • www.youtube.com
Computational Finance Q&A, Volume 1, Question 20/30▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Materials discussed in this video are based on:1) FREE online cours...

What is weak and strong convergence in Monte Carlo pricing?

What is weak and strong convergence in Monte Carlo pricing?

Welcome to today's Q&A session on computational finance. Today's question is based on Lecture 9, which focuses on Monte Carlo simulations and different discretization techniques used for derivative pricing. It also emphasizes the distinction between weak and strong convergence in order to understand the differences between them.

Let's begin by visualizing a Monte Carlo path. Suppose we have a time horizon (T) and a process (Xt) that represents the simulated paths. We generate these paths from the starting point until the expiry of a European option. If the payoff of the option depends solely on the marginal distribution at time T, regardless of the specific paths or their order, we refer to it as weak convergence. Weak convergence focuses on the distribution at a given time and can be visualized as a vertical line.

On the other hand, if the payoff depends not only on the distribution at a particular time but also on the paths and their transitions, we talk about strong convergence. Strong convergence takes into account the movement of transition densities between different time points and can be visualized as a horizontal line. Strong convergence involves comparing individual paths and their transition densities.

To measure the error in strong convergence, we define the difference between the expectation of the exact solution and the corresponding Monte Carlo path. This difference is evaluated at each path and should be of the order O(Δt^α), where Δt represents the time step and α denotes the convergence order.

In the case of weak convergence, we measure the absolute value of the difference between the expectations of the paths. However, the absolute value is taken outside the expectation, resulting in a summation or difference of two expectations. Weak convergence focuses on the entire distribution at a given time, rather than individual paths.

It's important to note that while strong convergence implies weak convergence, a small error in weak convergence does not guarantee strong convergence. The accuracy of pricing exotic derivatives that depend on Monte Carlo paths requires strong convergence because the path dependence plays a significant role. In contrast, for European options where only the distribution matters, weak convergence is sufficient.

Now, let's explore how to measure the error in weak convergence. We take the absolute value of the difference between the expectations of the paths, considering the exact representation and the Euler discretization. For simpler models like Black-Scholes, we can analyze convergence easily, as explicit solutions are available. We can substitute the exact solution into the error calculation, ensuring that the same Brownian motion is used for both the exact solution and the Euler discretization. Consistency in the Brownian motion is crucial for accurate comparison.

To assess convergence, we vary the time step (Δt) in the Euler discretization. A smaller time step leads to a narrower grid and potentially smaller errors. However, extremely small time steps are computationally expensive. The goal is to strike a balance between accuracy and computational efficiency by choosing a reasonably large time step.

For Euler discretization in the Black-Scholes model, the convergence analysis shows that the error follows a square root pattern. This implies that the error is proportional to the square root of the time step (Δt). The order of convergence for this discretization method is square root of Δt.

Performing convergence analysis for more complex models or alternative discretization methods may involve more advanced derivations, considering both the stochastic differential equations and the discretization techniques. However, the key takeaway is understanding the difference between weak and strong convergence in derivative pricing. Weak convergence focuses on the distribution at a given time, while strong convergence considers individual paths and their transitions.

Remember, strong convergence is essential when pricing derivatives that depend on specific paths, while weak convergence suffices for plain vanilla products that rely solely on the distribution at a given time.

I hope this explanation clarifies the concepts of weak and strong convergence in derivative pricing.

What is weak and strong convergence in Monte Carlo pricing?
What is weak and strong convergence in Monte Carlo pricing?
  • 2023.03.14
  • www.youtube.com
Computational Finance Q&A, Volume 1, Question 21/30▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Materials discussed in this video are based on:1) FREE online cours...