Quantitative trading - page 7


Martin Scholl (University of Oxford): "Studying Market Ecology Using Agent-Based Models"

Martin Scholl (University of Oxford): "Studying Market Ecology Using Agent-Based Models"

Martin Scholl, a researcher from the University of Oxford, has delved into the study of market ecology using agent-based models. Unlike traditional approaches that rely on assumptions like the efficient market hypothesis, Scholl takes issue with the rational expectations equilibrium theory commonly employed in neoclassical finance. He believes that this theory demands all participants to have a perfect understanding of the real world, which is unrealistic given the cognitive limitations of both retail investors and fund managers. Instead, he advocates for applying tools from biology to analyze real-world financial data, offering a fresh perspective on understanding financial markets.

To explore market ecology, Scholl likens investment strategies to species in biology, with individual investors representing individuals of a given species. The aggregate wealth invested using a particular strategy is comparable to the abundance or total population size of that species. In a toy model of an investment game, Scholl introduces a simplified scenario where agents can choose to leave their wealth in a money market account or invest in a stock that pays dividends. This model allows for the examination of various investment strategies and objections to the neoclassical assumption of perfect rationality.

Scholl identifies different investment strategies employed in agent-based models to study market ecology. The first is a perfectly rational strategy, where the net asset value is divided between the stock and cash. A value investor estimates the growth rate of the dividend to make future forecasts and understand the stock's future price. The second strategy involves trend followers who analyze recent prices and extrapolate trends. The third strategy encompasses noise traders who enter the market to fulfill liquidity needs but are not price-sensitive on a short time scale. However, their mean-reversing noise process is connected to the fundamental value on a long time scale.

To simulate market mechanisms and study market ecology, Scholl and his team utilize agent-based models with the help of software packages. They ensure comparability between different runs of the model by fixing endowments and dividing the initial endowments among individuals of different species, keeping track of the relative share. The simulations run for a span of 200 years, enabling the observation of the mean annual return for each species. Interestingly, they find that each strategy has at least one region where it is the most profitable, regardless of its abundance.

In his experiments, Scholl examines the behavior of trend followers and the impact of reinvesting profits. He observes that the market spends most of its time in an unstable, chaotic region with large outliers, resulting in speckled noise. When investors reinvest their profits, trajectories fluctuate around an identified central point but do not entirely converge towards it. Increasing the concentration of trend followers leads to higher volatility in returns. Scholl attributes the quick movement away from trend followers to the rationality of investors and positive autocorrelation in the dividend process.

Scholl explains that agent-based models can be employed to construct a financial community matrix, similar to the predator-and-prey Volterra equations used in biology. The return of a particular strategy is equated to population size, and the sensitivity of the return to changes in population size represents the community matrix. In the financial market, competition between different strategies arises when prices deviate from equilibrium points. Scholl emphasizes that financial markets exhibit density dependence, making species interactions more complex than in biological systems. This density dependence leads to scenarios like bubble-like price increases but acknowledges that such situations are unrealistic.

In the context of market ecology, Scholl discusses the practical implications of his findings. He presents a linear model that uses the abundance of species to describe the relationships between different types of predators, thereby impacting market results. This approach highlights the multidimensional nature of investments and demonstrates the importance of appropriately sizing strategies to avoid losses or becoming prey in highly density-dependent financial markets. It challenges the traditional view that stock prices reflect all available fundamental information and presents financial markets as complex systems influenced by various conditions.

Scholl further elaborates on his use of a simple linear model within agent-based models to study market ecology. By analyzing the holdings and relative abundance of market activities, he found that this approach outperformed department-derived models that assume rationality and translate fundamentals automatically. However, he acknowledges the limitations of his model and emphasizes the need for further research to enhance its realism. One aspect he addresses is the sensitivity of the model to different recipes and definitions, particularly in relation to trend following. While dividends play a significant role in his model, incorporating more realistic elements for real-world financial markets would require additional steps.

Regarding the adaptability of agents' beliefs in his model, Scholl points out that market operations often involve fund managers following strategies outlined in prospectuses for extended periods. This indicates a tendency toward mechanical asset allocation processes. As a result, Scholl leans towards modeling less adaptive behavior and less intelligence. However, he highlights that other researchers in his group at the University of Oxford are actively exploring the application of evolutionary algorithms to change parameters and even innovate new strategies.

Martin Scholl's research focuses on studying market ecology using agent-based models. He challenges traditional finance theories and assumptions by applying concepts from biology to understand financial markets better. By comparing investment strategies to species in biology, analyzing different strategies, and simulating market mechanisms, Scholl uncovers the complexity of financial markets and the interplay between various strategies. His findings suggest that financial markets are highly density-dependent, and appropriate sizing of investment strategies is crucial to avoid losses and become prey in this dynamic ecosystem. Scholl's work provides valuable insights into the nature of markets as complex systems, contrasting the traditional view that stock prices solely reflect fundamental information.

  • 00:00:00 Martin Scholl from the University of Oxford discusses his study on market ecology using agent-based models. He explains that instead of focusing on the common assumptions like the efficient market hypothesis, he takes issue with the rational expectations equilibrium theory used in neoclassical finance since it demands that all participants' understanding matches the real world. He also reveals that there are over 300 factor models in the finance literature, which makes it difficult to determine the best one to use, and there are physical limits on the cognitive ability of both retail investors and fund managers. Furthermore, he discusses the importance of applying tools from biology to real-world data to understand financial markets better.

  • 00:05:00 Martin discusses how studying market ecology can be done using agent-based models. He explains that investment strategies can be likened to species in biology, with individual investors corresponding to individuals of a given species. The aggregate wealth invested using a particular strategy is the abundance or total population size of that species. Scholl introduces a toy model of an investment game, where agents are given the choice to leave their wealth in a money market account or invest in a stock that pays dividends. The model works with one stock, which is a simplifying assumption that allows for unique clearing prices most of the time. Scholl also addresses the neoclassical assumption of a perfect rational investor and highlights objections to this approach.

  • 00:10:00 Martin Scholl explains the concept of market ecology using metaphors from biology. He divides the agents in the market according to their reasons for participating and introduces excess demand function as a way to define a strategy. He explains how a signal function is used in the investment process and how different investment funds tend to specialize in different things based on acquiring information and analysis. The division of strategies is crucial in evolving markets, where it is beneficial to specialize in a particular niche to optimize for something.

  • 00:15:00 Martin Scholl discusses the different strategies used in agent-based models to study market ecology. The first strategy is a perfectly rational strategy where the net asset value is split between the stock and cash. A value investor estimates the growth rate of the dividend to make a forecast, helping understand the price of the stock in the future. The second strategy is based on trend followers who look at recent prices and extrapolate those trends. Finally, the model includes noise traders who come into the market to fulfill liquidity needs but are not sensitive to the price, so their signal looks random on a short time scale. However, their mean-reversing noise process is connected to the fundamental value on a long time scale and will revert back to the mean slowly, as estimated by Buscher and colleagues.

  • 00:20:00 Martin explains how they simulate market mechanisms using agent-based models, which allows them to study market ecology. Due to the multitude of possible solutions, it is difficult to analytically treat the simulation. Therefore, they use a software package to simulate the different market mechanisms. They fix endowments to ensure that the results are comparable between different runs of the model. They also divide the initial endowments over the individuals of different species and keep track of the relative share. They run the simulation for 200 years and look at the mean annual return for each of the species. They observe that, for all three strategies, there is at least one region where they are the most profitable, even if that region is not where the species is the most abundant.

  • 00:25:00 Martin Scholl of the University of Oxford discusses an experiment involving trend followers, where prices diverge from the fundamental values, leading to massive profits and losses due to the random realization of the dividend process and introduced noise. The system spends most of its design in an unstable, chaotic region, with large outliers that create speckled noise. In the second experiment, investors were allowed to reinvest profits, and trajectories were traced in a simplex, with wealth redistributed, but they faintly converged towards the identified central point, fluctuating instead from side to side. The system tends to be found in a region around the attractive fixed point identified, and the market clearing price is announced every trading day, affecting the valuation of traders and prices.

  • 00:30:00 Martin explains the different flow lines obtained through Monte Carlo experiments when analyzing a fixed point in a system with trend followers, value investors, and noise traders. The thickness of the lines indicates the amount of wealth being redistributed between the strategies on an annual basis, which shows how an abundance of trend followers can cause massive losses in the system. Scholl goes on to highlight that crowding works differently for trend followers than it does for value investors, and that increasing the concentration of trend followers leads to higher volatility in returns. The root cause for why the system moves away quickly from trend followers is rationality of investors and positive autocorrelation in the dividend process.

  • 00:35:00 Martin Scholl explains how agent-based models can be used to study the market ecology and how the financial community matrix can be built. Scholl draws an analogy to the predator-and-prey Volterra equations used in population dynamics in biology, which are used to describe the dynamics of different populations, namely how different species interact based on population size. He notes that this concept can be applied to financial markets too, where the return of a particular strategy would be deemed as a population size and the sensitivity of the return of one species to changes in population size would represent the community matrix.

  • 00:40:00 Martin from the University of Oxford explains how the species in the financial market ecology are competing with themselves in the equilibrium point, as all the diagonal entries are negative and all the positive entries are positive. The system is stable as the fixed point is stable with a community matrix that is robust against certain changes in the population. However, when the market moves away quite far from the equilibrium points, there start to be competition between trend followers and value investors when there are quite a few value investors. Density dependence makes the interactions between species more complex than the biological one and it is much more common in finance than in nature. In the unstable region where prices diverge, trends followers benefit from other trend followers and the price keeps rising in a bubble-like manner, but this scenario is quite unrealistic.

  • 00:45:00 Martin Scholl discusses the benefits of trend followers on a short timescale, as they can benefit from trend followers who are slightly slower than them because they can sell at the top or at least not before the price has entirely crashed. However, in this model, the trend followers are simple and operate on the same timescale, regardless of an individual's strategy. Scholl also discusses how a passive fund or an index tracker could be represented as a fund that has a consensus allocation of wealth to specific assets. A higher proportion of indexers would make the system more stable and dampen the entire system. Lastly, Scholl notes that he computed all of this information to understand the binary relationships between species, resulting in something called a food web.

  • 00:50:00 Martin discusses studying market ecology using agent-based models. Scholl explains how nodes are different species and edges are the interactions between them. Using the trophic level, they can determine which species has the lowest profit level, meaning it does not prey on other species, and which one has the highest traffic level, meaning it preys on all other species, making it the apex predator. Scholl explains how traffic levels change dramatically depending on density and how each group follows a dividend discount thing, with the value investor preying on noise traders and the trend follower exploiting correlations.

  • 00:55:00 Martin Scholl explains the practical implications of studying market ecology using agent-based models. An experiment based on market quality and mispricing shows that a simple linear model using the abundance of species works quite well to describe the relation between different types of predators, affecting market results. The model developed allows the observation of how investments are multi-dimensional, highlighting that strategies have different impacts on market quality. According to Scholl’s study, financial markets are highly density dependent, meaning that investors should size their strategy appropriately to avoid incurring losses or becoming prey themselves. This approach allows the description of markets as a complex system influenced by various conditions, contrary to traditional finance, where stock prices are believed to reflect all available fundamental information.

  • 01:00:00 In this section of the video, Martin Scholl discusses his use of a simple linear model to study market ecology using agent-based models. By looking at the holdings and relative abundance of market activities, he found that this approach offered a better forecaster than using department-derived models that assume rationality and automatically translate fundamentals. He also discusses the limitations of his model and the need for further research to make it more realistic. One question he addresses is about the sensitivity of the model to different recipes and definitions, particularly with regards to trend following, which he explains is mainly driven by dividends in his model but would require further steps to make it more realistic for real-world financial markets.

  • 01:05:00 Martin Scholl discusses his approach to studying market ecology using agent-based models. Scholl does not assume that agents are able to adapt their beliefs in his model. Market operations typically involve fund managers following strategies outlined in a prospectus for decades, indicating that the asset allocation process tends to be mechanical. Scholl tends to lean towards less adaptive behavior and less intelligence in his modeling. However, others in the research group at the University of Oxford work on applying evolutionary algorithms to change parameters to strategies and even innovate new ones.
Martin Scholl (University of Oxford): "Studying Market Ecology Using Agent-Based Models"
Martin Scholl (University of Oxford): "Studying Market Ecology Using Agent-Based Models"
  • 2022.03.23
  • www.youtube.com
Abstract: This talk presents a mathematical analogy between financial trading strategies and biological species and shows how to apply standard concepts fro...

Kevin Webster: "How Price Impact Distorts Accounting P&L"

Kevin Webster: "How Price Impact Distorts Accounting P&L"

In a YouTube video, Kevin Webster delves into the topic of how price impact can distort accounting profit and loss (P&L) statements. He emphasizes the significance of accurately modeling price impact to effectively manage risk and highlights the importance of managing liquidity risk to avoid being left with an illiquid position. Webster acknowledges that there are various price impact models available, but they generally agree on the majority of the data.

The talk begins by addressing the intersection between price impact and liquidity risk, particularly noting that the liquidity of major markets was often taken for granted before the financial crisis. Webster shares powerful quotes that illustrate how price impact creates an illusion of profit, leading to price dislocations away from financial values. The objective of the talk is to mathematically formalize this concept, providing a quantitative framework based on estimating the market impact of liquidation to eliminate the illusion of profit.

Webster explains price impact as a causal model for trading, where more aggressive trading pushes prices further and vice versa. Price impact models are widely used in transaction cost analysis and optimal execution, serving as pre-trade tools to estimate expected transaction costs and optimize execution strategies. He showcases a mock transaction cost analysis report that allows traders to evaluate how their algorithms are performing on a quarterly basis, with a focus on minimizing order slippage and considering both mechanical moves and alpha slippage.

The speaker discusses the guidelines published by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) regarding liquidity stress tests, which involve simulating asset liquidation during market stress periods. Simulating reactions from the market, such as price dislocations, and employing hedging strategies are crucial to reduce risk exposure. Webster references various literature on liquidity stress tests and price impact on accounting P&L, including the works of Cascioli, Boucheron, Farmer, and regulatory committees like ESMA and the Baffled Committee. He emphasizes the necessity of liquidity stress testing to mitigate situations that could impact accounting P&L and result in high liquidation costs.

The concept of a trading footprint is introduced, which measures the distorting effect of price impact on accounting P&L and ties together different definitions of P&L. Webster presents a simple fire sale model to illustrate the significant conclusions about accounting P&L drawn by the Casadio-Bouchard-Farmer paper. He explains how the number traders and platform managers observe on a daily basis overestimates their final P&L, leading to deflation when the trade is completed. However, this inflation property can be measured and displayed in real-time, providing actionable information for traders. Webster notes that position inflation losses are often temporary and dependent on risk tolerance.

The issues related to valuing a stock position and its impact on the P&L of a company are discussed. Webster highlights the ambiguity in determining which prices to use for marking the stock position and the difference between accounting P&L and the fundamental P&L used by trading algorithms. The trading footprint is defined as the difference between accounting P&L and fundamental P&L, with ambiguity resolved when the position is closed. The speaker explores position inflation, making certain assumptions under which this property holds. The impact model and its two cases, the original OW mole and the W mole studied by Fruehwirth and Bond, are also touched upon.

Webster explains that for the model to make sense, a no-arbitrage condition between lambda and beta needs to be satisfied, along with a self-financing equation condition. He delves into calculating expected P&L at closing time and how the trading footprint introduces bias into accounting P&L. The position inflation property causes the position to inflate during the position entering phase, remain during the holding phase, and eventually evaporate. All of these aspects can be observed in real-time on a trading screen, providing traders with valuable insights.

Webster further explains the distortions in accounting P&L caused by price impact. He discusses how traders can make profitable trades even without alpha, but warns that these profits are short-lived due to transaction costs. Monitoring price dislocations early on is crucial to avoid losses. Additionally, Webster notes that portfolio managers prefer to view their portfolios as a whole and introduces the concept of a stationary portfolio, which controls the size and turnover of a portfolio in the mathematical finance world.

The concept of a stationary portfolio is then explored in relation to estimating running transaction costs. By understanding the time scale of the propagator, traders can estimate the extent to which their positions are inflated and the illusion of profit they may lose when liquidating their positions. Webster demonstrates the framework using empirical data, showcasing its applicability to real-world scenarios. He applies the framework to a fire sale model and explains the differences between accounting P&L and fundamental P&L, highlighting how they inform different objective functions based on a trader's risk aversion.

The speaker delves into the impact of fire sales or the trading activity of other market participants on a trader's P&L and position. Aggressive hedging can lead to crowding effects and position inflation, resulting in permanent losses. Accurately modeling price impact is crucial for effective risk management, and managing liquidity risk is emphasized to avoid ending up with illiquid positions.

Webster acknowledges that while there are many different price impact models available, they generally agree on the majority of the data. However, differences may arise in the amount and duration of the impact's persistence. Temporary dislocations can last from a couple of days to a month. From a risk management perspective, there is a clear course of action, whereas from a trader and performance perspective, effective communication becomes key. Understanding whether P&L is mechanical or not and removing the mechanical part allows traders to focus on actual alpha or edge in their trades.

The speaker explains the "no price manipulation" principle, highlighting that even if traders gain profits, they cannot maintain them as they will eventually evaporate. Position inflation leads to the deflation of trade value over time or immediate liquidation, resulting in zero or even negative P&L. Therefore, traders need to rely on other variables to generate sustainable profits. Webster further explores the correlation between the initial impact state, the impact caused by the rest of the market, and the impact from the trader's hedges and the rest of the market.

In conclusion, Kevin Webster provides a comprehensive understanding of how price impact can distort accounting P&L. He sheds light on the extra costs during high-volatility liquidity regimes and their correlation with the broader market, emphasizing their impact on bias. From a regulatory perspective, corporate bonds and insurance companies are likely to be more affected by this bias. While Webster admits that he lacks detailed answers for markets outside of equities, he provides a solid mathematical foundation for understanding price impact and its potential distortion of P&L.

  • 00:00:00 is the basis of this talk on how price impact distorts accounting P&L. The talk is motivated by the intersection between price impact and liquidity risk, and the fact that the liquidity of major markets was often taken for granted before the financial crisis. The speaker provides two powerful quotes that illustrate the illusion of profit caused by price impact and how it leads to price dislocations away from financial values. The talk aims to mathematically formalize this idea and provide a quantitative framework based on the estimated market impact of liquidation to remove this illusion of profit.

  • 00:05:00 The speaker discusses price impact as a causal model for trading and how it causes price to get pushed further if traded more aggressively and vice versa. The industry uses price impact models for transaction cost analysis and optimal execution, and practitioners use it as a pre-trade tool to estimate the expected transaction cost of an order and to optimize the execution strategy. The speaker gives a mock TCA report to emulate this liquidity perspective for traders to evaluate how their algos are doing on a quarterly basis. Traders try to minimize order slippage, and price impact and alpha slippage come into play depending on the percentage of order slippage caused by mechanical moves or alpha.

  • 00:10:00 Kevin Webster discusses the guidelines published by the European Securities and Markets Authority on how to run liquidity stress tests, which involve simulating the liquidation of assets during market stress periods. He also explains the importance of simulating reactions from the market, such as price dislocations, and how hedging can reduce risk exposure. Additionally, he reviews two strands of literature on liquidity stress tests and price impact on accounting P&L, including the works by Cascioli Boucheron Farmer and regulators like the Baffled Committee and ESMA. Finally, he emphasizes the need for liquidity stress testing to avoid situations that could impact accounting P&L and incur high liquidation costs.

  • 00:15:00 The speaker discusses the takeaways from various documents on liquidity stress tests, including the need for decision-makers to use them and their simulation-based structure. They recommend a specific paper by Francelli on simulating price dislocations during market stress, along with a pair of papers by Schweizer and Urzua that provide an alternative proof for the OB model and greatly increase its applicability. The speaker also introduces the concept of a trading footprint that ties together different definitions of P&L and measures the distorting effect of price impact on accounting P&L. Finally, they set up a simple fire sale model to illustrate the powerful conclusions about accounting P&L made by the Casadio-Bouchard-Farmer paper.

  • 00:20:00 Kevin Webster discusses how price impact can distort accounting P&L. He explains how the number traders and platform managers look at on a daily basis overestimates their final P&L, making it deflate when they finish the trade. However, the inflation property can be measured and displayed in real-time, making it actionable for traders. Webster notes that the position inflation part of losses is often temporary and depends on risk tolerance. He concludes with an introduction to the mathematical setup, variables, and quantities traders need to consider when calculating P&L.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, Kevin Webster explains the issues related to valuing a stock position and how it affects the Profit and Loss (P&L) of a company. He talks about the ambiguity in determining what prices to use to mark the stock position and the difference between the accounting P&L and the fundamental P&L that the trading algorithm uses. He defines the trading footprint as the difference between the accounting P&L and the fundamental P&L and explains how the ambiguity is lifted when the position is closed. He also discusses position inflation and provides some assumptions under which this property holds. Finally, he mentions the impact model and its two cases, the original OW mole and the W mole that Fruehwirth and Bond studied.

  • 00:30:00 Kevin Webster explains that in order for the model to make sense, there needs to be a no-arbitrage condition between lambda and beta, as well as a self-financing equation condition that needs to be satisfied. He also breaks down how to calculate expected P&L at closing time and how the trading footprint introduces bias into the accounting P&L. Finally, he discusses how the position inflation property causes the position to inflate during the position entering phase, stay during the holding phase, and eventually evaporate. All of this can be observed in real time and on a trading screen.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, Kevin Webster, a finance expert, explains the price impact distortions that occur in accounting P&L. He discusses how traders can make profitable trades even when their trade has no alpha, while also warning that these profits will not last long due to transaction costs and that traders should monitor these price locations early to avoid losses. Additionally, he explains that portfolio managers prefer to think of their portfolio as a whole, and he defines a stationary portfolio to control the size and turnover of a portfolio in the math finance world.

  • 00:40:00 Kevin Webster discusses the concept of a stationary portfolio and how it can be used to estimate running transaction costs. By knowing the time scale of the propagator, traders can estimate how much their position is inflated and the illusion of profit they might lose if they start to liquidate their position. Webster then simulates the framework on empirical data and highlights that these formulas can be applied to real-world scenarios. Finally, he applies the framework to a fire sale model and explains the differences between accounting P&L and fundamental P&L and how they can inform different objective functions depending on a trader's risk aversion.

  • 00:45:00 Kevin discusses how fire sales, or the trading activity of other market participants, can affect a trader's P&L and position. He demonstrates that aggressive hedging can lead to crowding effects and position inflation, which can result in permanent losses. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of accurately modeling price impact to manage risk effectively and highlights the significance of managing liquidity risk before ending up with an illiquid position. Finally, he notes that while there are many different price impact models, they typically agree on the majority of the data.

  • 00:50:00 The speaker discusses how different impact models may oppose not only on the amount or change in price impact but also the duration for the impact to disappear. They provide an example of a temporary dislocation that could be a couple of days to a month. However, if traders or performance managers want to de-bias their positions or perform risk management, any impact model should suffice, and there is an actionable set to communicate effectively with stakeholders. From a risk management standpoint, there is a clear action set. In contrast, from a trader and performance perspective, it is mostly a communication thing, by understanding whether p/l is mechanical or not, removing the mechanical part of the p/l, one can focus on actual alpha or actual edge in the trade.

  • 00:55:00 Kevin Webster explains that the no price manipulation principle means that even if traders gain profits, they cannot lock them in as they will eventually evaporate. The proof position inflation results in the deflation of the trade value over time or immediate liquidation, which leads to zero or even negative P&L. Traders required to rely on other variables to make profits as position inflation does not allow profits to become permanent. Webster further discusses the correlation between the initial impact state, the initial impact caused by the rest of the market, and the impact from the trader's hedges and the rest of the market.

  • 01:00:00 Kevin Webster discusses how price impact distorts accounting P&L. He explains that the extra costs during high-volatility liquidity regimes and the correlation with the rest of the market can contribute a fair bit to the bias. From a regulation perspective, corporate bonds and insurance companies would likely be more affected by this bias. However, as he admits, he does not have a great detailed answer as he is not sure how to answer certain questions outside of equities. Overall, he provides a mathematical understanding of price impact and how it can distort P&L.
Kevin Webster: "How Price Impact Distorts Accounting P&L"
Kevin Webster: "How Price Impact Distorts Accounting P&L"
  • 2022.02.16
  • www.youtube.com
Full Talk Title: "How Price Impact Distorts Accounting P&L - Revisiting Caccioli, Bouchaud and Farmer's Impact-Adjusted Valuation"This presentation revisits ...

Laura Leal (Princeton University) - "Learning a Functional Control for High-Frequency Finance"

Laura Leal (Princeton University) - "Learning a Functional Control for High-Frequency Finance"

Laura Leal, a researcher from Princeton University, delivered an informative presentation on the application of deep neural networks in high-frequency finance. She emphasized the limitations of conventional solutions and explored the advantages of utilizing neural networks in this domain. Leal highlighted their ability to adapt to complex factors like autocorrelation and intraday seasonality, which traditional models struggle with. By leveraging neural networks, traders can achieve optimal execution by minimizing market impact and trading smoothly.

To address concerns about the black box nature of neural networks, Leal introduced the concept of explainability. She discussed the projection of neural network control onto a lower-dimensional manifold, enabling a better understanding of the associated risks and the deviation from familiar risk sectors. The team evaluated the performance of the neural network control, comparing it with the classic closed-form PDE (partial differential equation) solution. They examined the value function, mark-to-market wealth, and relative errors in projections to assess the accuracy and effectiveness of the neural network approach.

Leal delved into the intricacies of training the neural network, emphasizing the importance of incorporating real-world data and accurate dynamics. She also proposed a multi-preference controller that allows traders to input their risk preferences, enabling quicker adaptation to new market conditions. By considering risk aversion parameters and incorporating a trader's preferences, the neural network can generate a solution to the stochastic optimization problem in high-frequency finance.

The presenter discussed the structure of the neural network used for risk control, highlighting its recurrent nature. While the network is not excessively deep, it employs a recurring structure at each time step, updating weights simultaneously. The inputs to the network include time and inventory, while the output is the control itself—determining the optimal amount of stocks to trade at each time step. To address the challenge of limited financial data availability, transfer learning is employed, simulating data using Monte Carlo methods.

Leal outlined the process of projecting the neural network control onto a linear function space using linear regression. This projection technique facilitates a better understanding of the non-linear functions of the neural network and their alignment with closed-form control solutions. The results demonstrated the impact of incorporating seasonality and risk aversion parameters on the model's reaction to the market. Additionally, the presenter emphasized the significance of gamma, which is typically set to two in the literature but showed a non-linear solution when taken as three over two.

The performance and accuracy of the neural network control in executing trades for high-frequency finance were thoroughly evaluated. Leal compared the value function, mark-to-market wealth, and relative errors in projections across different scenarios and gamma values. While the neural network exhibited superior performance, it executed trades in a non-linear manner, deviating from the known control solution. This raised questions about the decision to trade using the neural network and determining appropriate margin levels based on its divergence from the established solution.

Leal explored the benefits of the multi-preference controller approach, allowing traders to input their risk conversion parameters and start trading immediately with a pre-trained model. While the neural network solution took longer to execute than the PDE solution, it offered greater flexibility and adaptability to different risk preferences. To enhance explainability, Leal proposed a projection idea using linear regression, reducing computational burden while retaining the multi-preference capability. She also highlighted the broader applications of the neural network approximation concept, suggesting its relevance in other financial problems, such as hedging.

The training process for the neural network in high-frequency finance was discussed, emphasizing offline training to avoid latency issues associated with online reinforcement learning. The network takes time, inventory, and potentially risk aversion parameters as inputs and produces a rate as output. Leal also described the fine-tuning procedure in transfer learning, transitioning from simulated data to real data increments obtained from the Toronto Stock Exchange once the network has converged. The presenter underscored the importance of using real-world data and accurate dynamics during the training process, as it enhances the network's ability to capture the complexities of high-frequency finance.

In the subsequent section, Laura Leal provided insights into the inputs and objective function employed in the neural network for high-frequency finance. The neural network incorporates the inventory as a proportion of the average volume for a specific stock during a day, allowing for a normalized representation. The objective function is framed as a maximization problem, with the output serving as the control for optimal execution. The structure of the neural network is based on function approximation, utilizing two input nodes and four hidden layers to capture the underlying relationships.

Addressing a question about the discrepancy between two control solutions, Leal clarified that it could be interpreted as a reflection of the changing utility of the investor. By adjusting the gamma parameter, different utility functions can be employed, leading to variations in the control solutions. In their research, the team chose the gamma value of three halves based on empirical testing with actual traders, which resulted in satisfactory performance.

Leal further highlighted that the neural network's output is observable and analyzable. They can monitor the positions taken by the network and how they evolve throughout the trading day, providing transparency and insights into the decision-making process. This level of interpretability and understanding allows traders to gain confidence in the neural network's execution strategies.

The challenges associated with developing functional controls for high-frequency finance were also discussed by Leal. While an average control process can provide overall insights into trade execution, it may not accurately represent the behavior of individual trajectories. The dynamics of the market, such as the emergence of meme stocks, necessitate the adaptation of control methods to capture evolving conditions effectively.

In conclusion, Laura Leal's presentation shed light on the complexities of creating effective controls in the realm of high-frequency finance. By leveraging deep neural networks, researchers and traders can overcome the limitations of traditional models and adapt to the intricate dynamics of this domain. The incorporation of risk preferences, explainability measures, and real-world data contributes to the development of robust and adaptable control solutions. Through their work, Leal and her team offer valuable insights and solutions that pave the way for more efficient and informed decision-making in high-frequency finance.

  • 00:00:00 Laura Leal presents her joint work with Matthias and Charlotte on using a deep neural network to solve the problem of optimal execution in high-frequency finance. The goal is to avoid large market impact and trade as smoothly and stealthily as possible. The team introduces the idea of explainability to address the concern of neural networks being a black box, where they project the neural network control onto a lower-dimensional manifold to understand better the risk and how far away the neural network solution is from the familiar risk sector. They evaluate the performance, looking at the value function, wealth marked market, and relative errors in projections and compare the neural network solution with the classic closed-form PDE solution.

  • 00:05:00 Laura Leal from Princeton University discusses how neural networks can improve on the limitations of traditional solutions, like PD (partial differential) models, which struggle to adapt to the complexities of high-frequency finance like auto-correlation, heavy tails, and intraday seasonality. However, neural networks can be time-consuming to run, so she proposes a multi-preference controller that inputs a trader's risk preferences to more quickly adapt to new days, generating a solution to the stochastic optimization problem. Leal then provides an overview of the literature, including optimal execution models, and explains the state variables like inventory, control, and price that the neural network can learn from in high-frequency finance.

  • 00:10:00 Laura discusses the evolution of the price process in high-frequency finance and how it is affected by the speed of trading. She explains how the faster you trade, the more liquidity you consume, which pushes the price up and generates a permanent market impact. The objective criterion to minimize depends on the control, which is the speed of trading, and has a terminal component and a running cost component. The terminal cost is broken down into three parts, which include the final wealth in cash, penalty for holding inventory, and how much the final inventory can be sold for. The running cost is a penalty for holding inventory throughout the day, and these two parameters are essential for risk management. Leal also discusses how gamma is significant for their neural network solution and is usually taken equal to two in the literature.

  • 00:15:00 Laura Leal, a speaker from Princeton University, explains the use of a neural network to learn approximation in a high-frequency finance problem where the value function has some quadratic term on the inventory. The equivalent solution when using a neural metric is different from optimizing control mu as the neural network's parameters have to be chosen. The neural network is used for all the time steps, enabling it to learn how to react based on the price, inventory, and wealth of the agent. The process uses a feed-forward, fully connected neural network structure with time and inventory inputs. However, the inputs can be generalized in many ways to include more inputs than the risk preference parameters used in the video for illustrative purposes.

  • 00:20:00 Laura Leal explains the structure of the neural network that is used for risk control in high-frequency finance. The network is not very deep, but it is recurrent, reusing the same structure at each time step to update the weights simultaneously. The input to the network is time and inventory, and the output is the control, which is the neural network itself, outputting for each time step a certain amount of stocks to trade. Transfer learning is used to simulate data using Monte Carlo instead of using expensive or sparse financial data. The data used is from the Toronto Stock Exchange for January 2008 to December 2009, and the neural network is used to address issues of heavy tails, autocorrelation, and intraday seasonality.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, Laura Leal explains the process of projecting the control attained by the neural network onto the space of linear functions of q using linear regression to find beta1 and beta2 terms to determine the r squared, showing how much of the non-linear functions of the neural network can be projected onto the space of closed-form controls. The results showed that when adding functionality to the code, such as seasonality and learning the risk aversion parameters of the agent, there was a significant impact on the model's reaction to the market, but when considering gamma equals 3 over 2, there was a non-linear solution for the neural network.

  • 00:30:00 Laura examines the performance and accuracy of the neural network control in executing trades for high-frequency finance. She compares the value function and mark to market wealth for different scenarios and gamma values. She also evaluates the relative error in the projection and notes that while the neural network has a better performance, it is executing in a non-linear way that is different from the known control. This raises questions on whether or not to trade using the neural network and how much margin to set based on its distance from the comfortable known solution.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, Laura discusses her findings on the multi-preference controller for optimal execution in high-frequency finance. Leal found that the neural network solution takes longer to execute than the PDE solution for all sets of parameters because the former is reacting to seasonality. However, with this approach, traders can input their current risk conversion parameters and start trading immediately with something that has already been trained. Leal also proposes explainability through a projection idea which uses a linear regression and a multi-preference version of the same problem to remove some of the computational burden. Additionally, Leal discusses other papers in her thesis and how this neural network approximation idea can be applied to many other financial problems, including hedging.

  • 00:40:00 Laura Leal discusses the training process for the neural network used in high-frequency finance. She explains that the network is trained offline, rather than through online reinforcement learning, in order to avoid latency issues. Once the network has been trained, it takes in time and inventory inputs, potentially with risk aversion parameters, and outputs a rate. The end user does not need to understand the inner workings of the network. Leal also explains the fine-tuning procedure used in transfer learning, which involves switching to real data increments from the Toronto Stock Exchange after the network has converged. Finally, she addresses questions about pre-processing and optimization, emphasizing the importance of using real-world data and accurate dynamics in the training process.

  • 00:45:00 In this section of the video, Laura Leal discusses the inputs and objective function used in the neural network for high-frequency finance. The neural network takes the inventory as a proportion of the average volume for that stock during a day, which is taken as a value between minus one and one. The objective function is a maximization problem with the output being a control, and the structure of the neural network is based on function approximation. Leal also explains that there are two input nodes and four hidden layers in the neural network's structure. Lastly, she addresses a question about the difference between two control solutions and clarifies that it could be interpreted as a result of the changing of the investor's utility.

  • 00:50:00 Laura discusses the differences between the gamma 2 and three halves models and their utility functions. She explains that with gamma 2, the solution is no longer a closed-form solution, and instead, an approximated solution is produced via a neural network. The reason for choosing gamma three halves was due to testing it with actual traders within a firm, and it resulted in good performance. Additionally, Leal confirms that the neural network output can be observed and analyzed, and they do know what positions it takes and how they change throughout the day.

  • 00:55:00 In this section, Laura Leal discusses the challenges of making a functional control for high-frequency finance. While an average control process can provide insight into how the execution of a trade will look, it may not be entirely accurate when looking at a single trajectory. She also addresses a question about the use of a two-block method for optimization and explains how the method would need to adapt to changing dynamics, such as with meme stocks. Overall, Leal's presentation sheds light on the intricacies of creating functional controls for high-frequency finance.
Laura Leal (Princeton University) - "Learning a Functional Control for High-Frequency Finance"
Laura Leal (Princeton University) - "Learning a Functional Control for High-Frequency Finance"
  • 2021.11.17
  • www.youtube.com
Laura Leal (Princeton University) is our last speaker for the Fall 2021 seminar series. Her topic is called "Learning a Functional Control for High-Frequency...

Zihao Zhang (Oxford-Man Institute) - "Deep Learning for Market by Order Data"

Zihao Zhang (Oxford-Man Institute) - "Deep Learning for Market by Order Data"

Zihao Zhang, a postdoctoral researcher at the Oxford-Man Institute and part of the machine learning research group, presents his team's recent work on applying deep learning to market by order data. Their focus is on market microstructure data, particularly the limit order book, which provides valuable insights into the overall demand and supply dynamics for a specific financial instrument. By combining market by order and limit order book data, Zhang and his team have discovered that they can reduce signal variance and obtain better predictive signals. This application of their model holds potential for enhancing trade execution and market-making strategies.

Zhang begins his presentation by providing a brief introduction to market microstructure data, specifically emphasizing the significance of market by order data. This data source offers highly granular information, providing frequent updates and events compared to the limit order book data, which has received more attention in existing literature. He introduces their deep learning model, explaining the network architectures they have designed for analyzing market by order data. Zhang highlights that their work represents the first predictive model using market by order data for forecasting high-frequency movement, offering an alternative source of information that expands the possibilities for alpha discovery.

Next, Zhang delves into the concept of the limit order book, which serves as a comprehensive record of all outstanding limit orders for a financial instrument at a given point in time. He emphasizes that while chart data offers low-frequency information, the price of a stock is actually represented by the limit order book, which is a multivariate time series. Zhang explains how the limit order book is organized into different price levels based on submitted orders, with each price level consisting of numerous small orders segmented by different traders. He also discusses how the order book is updated when new messages arrive, which can introduce new positions, cancel existing orders, or modify current orders. Zhang points out that the derived data from the limit order book reveals the overall demand and supply relationship for a specific financial instrument, and his objective is to determine if utilizing market by order data, containing information on order placement and cancellation, can provide additional insights for making predictions.

Moving forward, Zhang explores how market by order data can be utilized in deep learning to predict market movements. Although the message strings in market order data possess lower dimensions compared to the limit order book, they offer additional information that can be leveraged for predictions. Zhang explains how past events can be transformed into 2D matrices, forming images that can be fed into a neural network for prediction. The resulting features from the convolutional layer can then be integrated into the recurrent neural layers to learn the structure and capture additional dependencies. The final layer produces predictions based on a classification setup using threshold returns.

Zhang proceeds to discuss the network architecture employed for making predictions using limit order book data. In this case, the first two components are replaced with messages from individual traders, and the convolutional layers are substituted with an LSTM layer or attention layer. Zhang briefly explains the attention mechanism, which facilitates single-point prediction and involves an encoder-decoder structure. The encoder extracts meaningful features from the input times and summarizes them into a hidden state, while the decoder generates the prediction. Normalization is employed to determine whether an order is a buy or sell based on the mid-price.

In the subsequent section, Zhang presents the results of their model trained with a group of assets, normalized to a similar scale, and tested using different models such as the simple linear model, multilayer perceptron, LSTM, and attention model, incorporating both limit order book data and pure ambient data. The results indicate that predictive signals from the ambient data exhibit less correlation with the signals from the limit order book, suggesting that a combination of these two sources can reduce signal variance, benefit from diversification, and yield superior predictive signals. Therefore, an ensemble model that averages the predictive signals from both data types demonstrates the best performance.

Zhang proceeds to discuss the potential benefits of incorporating market-by-order (MBO) data into predictions and highlights the ability to perform feature engineering with this data. He presents the results for prediction horizons ranging from two to 20 ticks ahead, noting similar behaviors observed for 50 and 100 ticks ahead. Zhang also addresses questions from the audience, including the possibility of training a single model using all instruments for improved generalization and the source of the MBO data from the London Stock Exchange. In response to an audience member's question about focusing on NF1 instead of PNL, Zhang agrees and acknowledges that PNL is a more relevant measure of success.

Zhang further discusses the use of predictive signals and various ways to define them, such as using a raw signal or setting a threshold based on softmax probabilities. He summarizes the key points of the paper, which propose modeling market by order (MBO) data instead of limit order book data and testing deep learning models, including the LSTM retention mechanism. The results indicate that a combination of MBO and limit order book data yields the best results. Zhang addresses audience questions regarding autocorrelation between market moves, filtering out noise trades, and the motivation for using CNN layers in modeling limit order pictures.

In the following section, Zhang explains how the order book can be treated as a spatial structure that can be effectively explored using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Using a CNN to extract information from each price level has proven to be valuable for predictions. The long short-term memory (LSTM) layer is chosen over multilayer perceptrons as it maintains the temporal flow of data and summarizes past events for making predictions. Zhang notes that the benefits of using an attention mechanism are limited due to the nature of financial time series. The paper includes a detailed description of the hyperparameters employed in their model.

Zhang addresses the concern regarding the large number of parameters used in neural network methods and their effectiveness in predicting the stock market. He acknowledges that the abundance of parameters can be a subject of critique, but emphasizes that his team has only fine-tuned a few parameters specific to their model. They have not yet considered using the bid-ask spread as a criterion for success, but recognize its potential for further exploration. Zhang believes that their model holds practical value for trade execution and market-making strategies. However, he mentions that if one intends to cross the spread, downsampling the data may be necessary, as the frequent updates in the order book data can complicate trade execution. Finally, when modeling the Elo limit order book, they aggregate the total size at each price level rather than including information about individual order sizes.

In the concluding section, Zhang explains the differences between market by order and market by price data. Market by order data allows for tracking individual orders, which is not possible with market by price data. With proper feature engineering, market by order data can provide additional information and generate alpha. Zhang also discusses how his model treats modifications in the price of a specific limit order while keeping the size unchanged. Each new message with updated prices is treated as a new update, enriching the dataset.

Overall, Zihao Zhang's presentation showcases the application of deep learning to market by order data, highlighting its potential for extracting valuable insights from market microstructure data. By combining market by order and limit order book data, Zhang's team has demonstrated the reduction of signal variance and the generation of improved predictive signals. Their work holds promise for enhancing trade execution and market-making strategies, offering a valuable contribution to the field of financial market analysis.

  • 00:00:00 Zihao Zhang, a postdoc at Oxford Man Institute and part of the machine learning research group, presents his recent work with Brian Ling and Stefan Loren on applying a deep learning model to market by order data. Zhang starts with a brief introduction of market microstructure data, including the limit order book and the market by order data. He emphasizes that the latter is arguably the most granular source of information, providing more updates and events compared to the limit order book data, and yet is largely neglected in the current literature. Zhang introduces their deep learning model and discusses the network architectures they designed for this type of data. He also emphasizes that their work is the first predictive model using market by order data for forecasting high-frequency movement and that it provides an orthogonal source of information that expands the universe of alpha discovery.

  • 00:05:00 Zihao explains the concept of a limit order book, which is a record of all outstanding limit orders for a financial instrument at a given point in time. He highlights that while chart data provides low-frequency information, the price of a stock is actually a multivariate time series represented by the limit order book. Zhang explains how the limit order book is sorted into different price levels based on submitted orders, and each price level consists of many small orders that are segmented by different traders. He also discusses how the order book gets updated when there's a new message coming in, which can add a new position, cancel an existing order, or update existing orders. Zhang notes that the derived data from the limit order book shows the overall demand and supply relationship for a specific financial instrument, and his focus is to see if using the market by order data, which contains information on the placement and cancellation of orders, can provide additional information for making predictions.

  • 00:10:00 Zihao Zhang discusses how market order data can be used for deep learning to make predictions about market movement. While the message strings in market order data are lower dimensional than the limit order book, they provide additional information that can be used for predictions. Zhang explains that images of past events can be formed as a 2D matrix and inputted into a neural network for prediction. The resulting features from the convolutional layer can then be put into the recurrent neural layers to learn the structure and additional dependencies. The final layer outputs predictions based on a classification setup using threshold returns.

  • 00:15:00 Zihao Zhang from Oxford-Man Institute explains the network architecture used for making predictions from limit order book data, where the first two components are replaced with messages from individual traders and the convolutional layers are replaced with an LSTM layer or attention layer. Zhang also briefly explains the attention mechanism, which is used for single point prediction in this case and involves an encoder and decoder structure, with the encoder extracting meaningful features from the input times and summarizing them to a hidden state, while the decoder generates the prediction. Normalization is used to determine whether an order is a buy or sell based on the mid-price.

  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, Zihao Zhang presents the results of the model trained with a group of assets, normalized to a similar scale, and tested on different models like the simple linear model, multilayer perceptions, LSTM, and attention model using both limit order group data and pure ambient data. The results show that the predictive signals from the ambient data are less correlated with the signals from the limit order book, suggesting that a combination of these two signals can reduce signal variance, benefit from diversification, and yield better predictive signals. Thus, the ensemble model that averages the predictive signals from both types of data gives the best performance.

  • 00:25:00 Zihao Zhang discusses the potential benefits of incorporating market-by-order (MBO) data into predictions and mentions the ability to do feature engineering with the data. The results for the prediction horizon of two-20 ticks ahead were shown, with similar behaviors seen for 50 and 100 ticks ahead. Zhang also answers audience implementation questions, including the ability to train a single model using all instruments for improved generalization and the origin of the MBO data from the London Stock Exchange. One audience member questions focusing on NF1 instead of PNL, to which Zhang agrees and acknowledges that PNL is a more relevant measure of success.

  • 00:30:00 Zihao Zhang discusses the use of predictive signals and the different ways they can be defined, such as using a raw signal or setting a threshold for probability from the softmax. He summarizes the paper, which proposes modeling market by order (MBO) data instead of limit order book data and testing deep learning models including the LSTM retention mechanism. The results show that a combination of both MBO and limit order book data give the best results. Zhang also addresses audience questions about auto correlation between market moves, filtering out noise trades, and the motivation for using CNN layers in modeling limit order pictures.

  • 00:35:00 In this section of the video, Zihao Zhang from the Oxford-Man Institute explains how the order book can be treated as a spatial structure that can be explored using the same layers. The use of a convolutional neural network (CNN) to extract information from each price level was found to be helpful for predictions. The long short-term memory (LSTM) layer was chosen over multi-layer perceptions because it does not distort the time flow, and it summarizes past events to make predictions. The benefits of using an attention mechanism were found to be limited due to the property of financial time series. The paper includes a detailed description of the hyperparameters used.

  • 00:40:00 Zihao Zhang discusses the number of parameters used in neural network methods and their effectiveness in predicting the stock market. He notes that while the large number of parameters can be a critique of neural network methods, he and his team have only tuned a few parameters for their specific model. They have not considered using the bid-ask spread as a criterion for success but acknowledge that it could be explored further. Zhang believes that the application of their model is useful for trade execution and market making strategies, but if one wants to cross the spread, they may need to downsample the data to make a trade, as the book data can often have too many updates to make a trade. Finally, when modeling the Elo limit order book, they aggregate the total size at each price level instead of including information about individual order sizes.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, Zihao Zhang, from the Oxford-Man Institute, explains the differences between the market by order and the market by price data. The market by order data allows tracking individual orders, which is not possible with the market by price data. With proper feature engineering, data from the market by order can provide additional information and generate alpha. Additionally, Zhang discusses how his model treats modifications in price of a particular limit order while keeping the size unchanged. He explains that each new message with updated prices is treated as a new update.
Zihao Zhang (Oxford-Man Institute) - "Deep Learning for Market by Order Data"
Zihao Zhang (Oxford-Man Institute) - "Deep Learning for Market by Order Data"
  • 2021.10.27
  • www.youtube.com
Next up in the Cornell-Citi webinar series is Dr. Zihao Zhang, who spoke on Tuesday, Oct. 26.Abstract: Market by order (MBO) data - a detailed feed of indiv...

Vineel Yellapantula (Cornell MFE '20): "Quantifying Text in SEC Filings"

Vineel Yellapantula (Cornell MFE '20): "Quantifying Text in SEC Filings"

Vineel Yellapantula presents his summer project, which involves the application of natural language processing (NLP) techniques to trade stocks based on textual information found in SEC filings, particularly focusing on the MD&A section. The goal of the project is to assign a score to each report of the 430 stocks present in the US market and analyze their performance by grouping them into five quantiles based on the score. Yellapantula utilizes traditional methods such as cosine and Jaccard similarity to determine the similarity score between texts, with Jaccard similarity proving to be more consistent over time. He also explores the creation of a sentiment analysis model using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with Keras on a text dataset, achieving an impressive accuracy of 87.5% with his model.

During the presentation, Yellapantula emphasizes the importance of selecting the appropriate method for each specific problem and incorporating additional data to improve results. He highlights the abundance of information available through text data, particularly within 10-K filings, and mentions that factors developed using previous documents can be more effective than those solely relying on the present document. Yellapantula points out various alternatives for utilizing deep learning techniques with text data, including glove, word2vec, BERT, and RNNs. He further suggests incorporating more data sources, such as 8-K filings and news cycles, to enhance the predictive power of the models. However, he acknowledges the presence of selection bias in his study, as it focuses on well-performing stocks present in the index from 2007 to 2020.

In the section dedicated to sentiment analysis, Yellapantula explains the process of creating a model using RNNs with Keras. The steps involve tokenizing the text to understand its meaning, reducing dimensionality through embeddings, and employing an LSTM layer and a dense layer with a sigmoid function for sentiment classification. He demonstrates the application of this approach using IMDB reviews, restricting the review length to 500 words and padding shorter reviews with zeroes to maintain consistency. Through rigorous evaluation, Yellapantula achieves an accuracy rate of 87.5% with his sentiment analysis model.

Furthermore, Yellapantula highlights the significance of information correlation in determining the effectiveness of factors and their consistency over time. He references a study that suggests companies with stable reporting tend to perform well, indicating it as a promising factor to explore. In conclusion, Yellapantula expresses gratitude to the audience for their interest and looks forward to further engagement in the future.

Vineel Yellapantula's project demonstrates the application of NLP techniques to extract valuable insights from textual information in SEC filings. By assigning scores to reports and analyzing their performance, his work contributes to the understanding of how language can influence stock trading. Moreover, his exploration of sentiment analysis using RNNs showcases the potential of deep learning in capturing sentiment from textual data. Through careful methodology selection and the incorporation of additional data sources, Yellapantula emphasizes the opportunity to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of such models.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Vineel Yellapantula describes his summer project that involved using natural language processing (NLP) techniques to trade stocks based on textual information present in the SEC filings, specifically the MD&A section. The project focused on finding a score for each report of the 430 stocks present in the US market and analyzing their performance after grouping them into five quantiles based on the score. Vineel used traditional methods such as cosine and jaccard similarity to find a score for similarity between texts, with jaccard similarity proving to be more consistent over time. Vineel also mentions that deep learning techniques such as RNNs can be used for this purpose.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, Vineel Yellapantula explains how to create a sentiment analysis model using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with keras on a text dataset. The process involves tokenizing the text to understand its meaning, reducing dimensionality using embeddings, and then using an LSTM layer and a dense layer with a sigmoid function to classify the sentiment of the text. Vineel shows how he processed the data using IMDB reviews, limiting the length of the reviews to 500 words and padding the shorter ones with zeroes to maintain consistency in length. He was able to achieve an accuracy of 87.5% with his model.

  • 00:10:00 In this section of the video, Vineel Yellapantula discusses the abundance of information available through text data, particularly within 10-K filings. He notes that many factors can be developed through these filings, and factors that use previous documents can be more effective than those that solely focus on the present document. Additionally, Yellapantula points out that there are various alternatives for using deep learning with text data, such as glove, word2vec, BERT, and RNNs. He emphasizes that selecting the right method for the specific problem is crucial, and incorporating more data, such as 8-K filings and news cycles, can lead to better results. Finally, Yellapantula acknowledges that there is some selection bias in his study since he focused on well-performing stocks present in the index from 2007 to 2020.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, Vineel Yellapantula discusses the importance of information correlation in determining if a factor is working or not, as well as the consistency of factors over time. He also mentions a study that found companies with stable reporting perform well, indicating it as a good factor to explore. He concludes by thanking the audience for their interest and looks forward to seeing them in the fall.
Vineel Yellapantula (Cornell MFE '20): "Quantifying Text in SEC Filings"
Vineel Yellapantula (Cornell MFE '20): "Quantifying Text in SEC Filings"
  • 2021.05.12
  • www.youtube.com
CFEM alumnus Vineel Yellapantula discusses his summer project at AbleMarkets under Prof. Irene Aldridge, “Quantifying Sentiment in SEC Filings.” By utilizing...

Peter Carr (NYU) "Stoptions" feat. Lorenzo Torricelli (University of Parma)

Peter Carr (NYU) "Stoptions" feat. Lorenzo Torricelli (University of Parma)

Peter Carr introduces a financial product called "stoptions" that combines features of futures contracts and put options. Stoptions allow the owner to avoid unfavorable price changes by incorporating a Bermudan put option element. Carr explains the concept of options and provides an example of a three-day option with different floors associated with it. He then moves on to discuss the valuation of one-day and two-day stoptions, with the latter having two floors and the flexibility to exercise on either the first or second day.

Carr further explores stoption valuation for longer periods by delving into backward recursion, the valuation of a married put, and the use of pseudo-sums. He suggests utilizing the logistic distribution to represent price changes in married put options. The value of stoptions can be obtained using simple formulas for "at-the-money" options, and valuation and hedging can be done analytically.

Carr concludes the article by discussing the challenges associated with the adoption of such options by the market. He highlights the importance of finding a buyer and a seller for these products and shares his conversations with potential buyers and sellers. Additionally, Carr acknowledges that the stoptions model is an alternative to existing models like Black-Scholes and Bachelier, but it may not fit every situation optimally. Nonetheless, he emphasizes that their model aims to capture the multitude of binary operations with special significance in finance.

In a later section, Carr and Lorenzo Torricelli propose a "stoptions" model using a conjugate paradigm and logistic distribution. This model offers flexibility in the term structure with a single parameter, allowing accommodation of various term structures at one strike. However, it may not perfectly fit the market due to its downward-sloping implied volatility graph. The authors acknowledge the limitations of their model and recognize the countless binary operations in finance that their model aims to capture. They discuss optionality between a strike and a single option, as well as repeated optionality through pseudo summation. The section concludes with mutual appreciation and anticipation of attending each other's seminars.

  • 00:00:00 Peter Carr introduces "stoptions," a new financial product that is a hybrid between a futures contract and a put option. The stoption has an underlying asset and a fixed term, and daily monitoring, with the owner accruing each price change in the underlying. The stoption differs from a futures contract in that the owner can avoid an unfavorable price change, thanks to the put option element. The put is Bermudan, meaning that the owner can exercise it at the end of any day, replacing that day's price change with a floor, a contractually specified constant that can be any function of time.

  • 00:05:00 Peter Carr explains the concept of options and how they function in financial agreements. An option is a financial product that allows a choice of when to stop exposure to price changes as long as there is more than one day in the stop-shooting contract, providing flexibility. One can only exercise an option once, and at that point, they must exercise. The term option refers to when to stop the exposure to the underlying by exercising. Carr illustrates this concept with an example of a three-day-option and outlines the three different floors associated with this option. The contract then expires when one exercises the option, which must happen only once. While such contracts don't trade currently, they are embedded in many financial agreements.

  • 00:10:00 Peter Carr discusses an example of a contract with Bermuda exercise style called "stoptions". Although it doesn't trade outright, stoptions can help to understand Bermuda swaptions and their differences from options written on price levels. By assuming iid price changes, stoption valuation is reduced to function iteration, and by imposing a particular distributional assumption on the price changes, valuation is reduced to pseudo addition. The insights gained from stoptions can be used for liquidly traded Bermuda options, and Carr goes on to explain the valuation of one-day and two-day stoptions. One-day stoptions pay a fixed floor, while two-day stoptions have two floors and can be exercised on either the first or second day.

  • 00:15:00 this section, Peter Carr discusses the payoff at the end of the second day if the exercise is done then and there. Known as u1, it's calculated at the end of the first day. Carr notes that since u1 is a known constant at the end of day one, it might as well be assumed at the end of day one. Additionally, Carr suggests factoring out u1 at time zero and changing the a1 payoff to be a1 - u1. This makes the payoff similar to a married put or a put written on u1, with u1 added to the put payoff. Carr explains that once a model for valuing a vanilla option exists, a multi-day option, including a 2-day option, can be valued by calculating the embedded put.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, Peter Carr from NYU and Lorenzo Torricelli from the University of Parma discuss how to value two-day and three-day options by assuming that price increments are statistically independent of each other and have the same distribution. They use a common assumption in statistics, known as i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed), for a sequence of random variables. To value a married put for a two-day option, they use a notation that involves a known part of the payoff, called a1, and the price today of the underlying asset, called a2. For a three-day option, they introduce a continuation value, which they denote by cv, and use dynamic programming to calculate its value.

  • 00:25:00 Peter Carr explains the process of backward recursion and the valuation of a married put. He starts at day two because all the uncertainties that are needed in the problem are resolved as of the end of day two. He sets the continuation value at day two with one exercise opportunity remaining, which is day three, and then steps back to day one to calculate the value of the payoff and the continuation value. He then steps back to time zero at the valuation date and calculates the continuation value and the payoff, which is the value of a married put. The mean of the random payoff is the married put value that was calculated earlier, and the parameters contributing to the distribution of price changes are known at time zero.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, Peter Carr discusses the valuation of a married put with a strike A1 whose underlying is another married put with a strike A2. He explains that this valuation involves iterating a function, with a parameter that can differ at different times, and allowing the function to compose itself. The function being iterated is a one-day vanilla married put European-style value function, and Carr notes that a function that describes this value and iterates in closed form can be found by exploiting something called the associative functional equation. By valuing the married put value function directly and demanding that it solves the associativity functional equation, the risk-neutral distribution can be determined using Breeden-Litzenberger results. The section concludes with an explanation that, with a function of one argument and an invertible g, the married put value can be determined.

  • 00:35:00 Peter Carr explains the concept of a pseudo-sum, which is a combination of two arguments in a function. By using an invertible function, this quantity can be used to find the value of an n-based option through repeated pseudo-sums of the floors. To make this method arbitrage-free, the function must be chosen carefully and represented as a risk-neutral expectation of its payoff. Carr reveals that the generator of this method must be a log of any base, and the scalar b must be positive. The married put must also be evaluated appropriately by using natural log g inverses, which requires differentiation twice with respect to strike to get the distribution function. Ultimately, this method involves backing into a proportional factor of b, which is not the standard deviation, but is proportional to it.

  • 00:40:00 Peter Carr discusses the use of the logistic distribution to represent price changes in the married put option. He derives a formula for the married put with a strike a1 and underlying mean a2, using the exponential of a financial product with two underlying components. He refers to this as a pseudo-sum and expands the set of real numbers to include minus infinity as the neutral element. He explains that this creates a commutative monoid structure, which is only possible with an arbitrage-free option valuation and a symmetric logistic distribution with exponential tails. The logistic distribution allows for an explicit cumulative distribution function and is considered friendlier than the normal distribution. Carr suggests that the scale of the logistic distribution is an increasing function of the time to maturity of the option.

  • 00:45:00 Peter discusses "stoptions", a contract that combines the features of options and swaps. Stoptions involve the exchange of one logistic random variable for another, where the variables are independent and identically distributed. To value a stoption with n days, one needs to specify a function b of t that connects the width of the logistic distribution to the length of the time horizon. The value of a bermudan stoption with floors is given by simple formulas, and valuation and hedging can be done analytically. For an "at-the-money" stoption, the value grows in a simple way, by the logarithm of time.

  • 00:50:00 Peter Carr discusses the "stoptions" pricing model, which assumes iid increments and reduces valuation to iterated function evaluation. By assuming a logistic distribution for the common increments, the model further simplifies to a pseudo sum of a particular kind called a log sum exponential function. The underlying securities prices need to be made real and non-negative due to limited liability. The model can be extended to stocks, redefining the option contract to multiply out price relatives instead of adding price increments. The resulting distribution to support a positive random variable is called conjugate power digum, which is a heavy-tail distribution with negative skewness, making it a good choice. There are future research opportunities for this model, and it can be applied to practical uses such as synchronized contracts with Federal Reserve meetings.

  • 00:55:00 Peter Carr, a professor at NYU, discusses the adoption of a type of option by the market and the process of finding a buyer and a seller. He talks about his conversation with the head exotics trader from Bank of America, who showed interest in buying the option, and the possible sellers, such as an insurance company or a pension plan. The adoption process involves finding a buyer, and Peter shares that he has a Zoom call planned with a friend who works for an insurance company in this regard. The conversation ends with Lorenzo Torricelli's discussion on financial models based on the logistic distribution and the associated processes.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, Peter Carr discusses the technical details of the levy structure of the log returns of the positive model and the returns in the models, which include the log logistic, skew logistic, and logistic return processes. He explains that these processes are pure jump and can be considered as an infinitely divisible time family, for which a theorem guarantees the existence of an additive process that is stochastically continuous with independent increments. Moreover, this additive process supports the implied price distribution underlying security distribution formula. Carr then explains how this process is naturally a market and how it possesses good desirable properties that support simple pricing formulas. Finally, he presents the results of numerical tests and a density comparison of the logistic pricing models with standard normal models.

  • 01:05:00 Peter Carr discusses the differences between the shape of the normal and logistic distribution in the CPDA model. He notes that in the CPDA model, the skewness and shape of the distribution change with time, while in the normal world, this does not happen. When looking at the comparison between the normal and logistic distribution, he states that the distributions are quite similar, but the kurtosis can clearly be appreciated. He also shows the results of his cumulative system structure, where he observes that he can generate much more flexible shapes, such as an exploding variant and a short-term, very steep increase of the skewness. Finally, he discusses the implied volatility surfaces for the cpda models, where he notes that the volatility surface can be flexible with just a few parameters.

  • 01:10:00 Peter Carr of NYU and Lorenzo Torricelli of the University of Parma discuss their proposed "stoptions" model which uses a conjugate paradigm and logistic distribution to create a completely flexible term structure with only one parameter. The one parameter simultaneously creates more width and more negative skewness, but must be between zero and one to prevent the moment mean from not existing. The model can accommodate any term structure at one strike but may not always fit the market optimally since it produces a downward-sloping graph, unlike upward-sloping graphs of implied volatility against strike. Carr and Torricelli acknowledge that their model is an alternative to Black-Scholes and Bachelier models but anticipate their model will not be good enough for every situation. They argue that there are an uncountable infinity of binary operations with similar properties as addition and multiplication that have special importance for finance, which their model aims to capture.

  • 01:15:00 In this section, Peter Carr and Lorenzo Torricelli discuss the idea of optionality between a strike and a single, like a European option, as well as repeated optionality as repeated pseudo summation, which is Bermuda the remutants option. They mention the importance of keeping in mind that there are more than two binary operations ratio when choosing a distribution, and end the discussion by thanking each other and looking forward to attending each other's seminars.
Peter Carr (NYU) "Stoptions" feat. Lorenzo Torricelli (University of Parma)
Peter Carr (NYU) "Stoptions" feat. Lorenzo Torricelli (University of Parma)
  • 2021.04.14
  • www.youtube.com
Abstract: We introduce a new derivative security called a stoption. After paying an upfront premium, the owner of a stoption accrues realized price changes ...

Lorenzo Torricelli (University of Parma) - "Additive Logistic Processes in Option Pricing"

Lorenzo Torricelli (University of Parma) - "Additive Logistic Processes in Option Pricing"

Lorenzo Torricelli, a distinguished professor at the University of Parma, delves into the intricacies of option pricing by exploring the additive logistic model and the self-similar specification. In his enlightening presentation, he elucidates the formula for pricing vanilla options using these innovative models and exemplifies their application by showcasing a density comparison between the logistic pricing model and traditional normal models.

Furthermore, Torricelli conducts a benchmark analysis of the cumulative term structure for the logistic model against a linear revolution of the term structure for homogeneous models. His insightful observations reveal that the logistic model offers significantly more flexibility in shaping the term structure, thus providing a noteworthy advantage over conventional approaches.

To provide a comprehensive understanding, Torricelli also examines the volatility surfaces associated with these models. He notes the presence of a positive skew in the model stemming from the skewed distribution of log returns and the kurtosis of the logistic distribution. However, he highlights the absence of skew in the logistic distribution itself, as it exhibits symmetry. Torricelli further discusses the impact of modal parameters on the volatility term structure, acknowledging the potential for improvement in the chosen parameterization.

In conclusion, Torricelli emphasizes that the option formulae derived from these models are explicit and well-known, facilitating their practical implementation. Notably, he commends the impressive speed demonstrated during the performance test. As a testament to transparency and academic collaboration, Torricelli plans to make the code associated with these models publicly accessible, benefiting researchers and practitioners alike.

  • 00:00:00 Lorenzo Torricelli from the University of Parma introduces financial models based on the logistics distribution, starting with valuation equations for option functionals and functions for valuing the merit booth. By taking the derivative with respect to k, the implied security price distribution is obtained, and the logistic function is seen to be associated with the real valued underlying, while the skew logistics distribution is associated with the positive price process coming from the merit put valuation. The infinitely divisible structure of the distributions is considered as a time family, and the existence of an additive process is verified, resulting in stochastically continuous processes with independent increments that support the implied price distribution and determine the formula of the statement.

  • 00:05:00 Lorenzo Torricelli, a professor at the University of Parma, is discussing the additive logistic model and the self similar specification in option pricing. He explains the formula for pricing vanilla options using the models and instantiates them in terms of the price of the term function. He shows a density comparison between the logistic pricing model and the normal models and observes that the shape of the distribution of the logistic model changes with time while the shape of the normal distribution does not. He also benchmarks the cumulative term structure for the logistic model against a linear revolution of the term structure for homogeneous models and observes much more flexible shapes with the former.

  • 00:10:00 Lorenzo Torricelli discusses the plots for the CPDA model and the implied volatility surfaces for the SLA and CPDA models. The volatility surfaces show that there is a skew in the positive model due to the skewed distribution of log returns and the kurtosis of the logistic distribution. However, there is no skew in the logistic distribution as it is symmetric. Torricelli mentions that the modal parameters also impact the volatility term structure similarly and that there is scope for improvement in the parameterization chosen. Overall, the option formulae are explicit and known and the speed test was very fast. The code will be made public as well.
Lorenzo Torricelli (University of Parma) - "Additive Logistic Processes in Option Pricing"
Lorenzo Torricelli (University of Parma) - "Additive Logistic Processes in Option Pricing"
  • 2021.04.12
  • www.youtube.com
On April 13th, 2021, as part of the Cornell-Citi Financial Data Science Seminar Series, Lorenzo Torricelli explains his work on logistic models in conjunctio...

Yumeng Ding (Cornell MFE '20) - "Interpreting Machine Learning Models"

Yumeng Ding (Cornell MFE '20) - "Interpreting Machine Learning Models"

Yumeng Ding, a proficient researcher, delves into the realm of interpreting machine learning models for stock price predictions. In her comprehensive analysis, she explores a range of interpretability methods, including partial dependence plots, permutation feature importance, edge statistics, and LIME, to shed light on the inner workings of these models. By employing these methods, Ding aims to unravel the contribution of individual factors and their interactive effects in predicting stock prices.

Ding's study revolves around three types of factors: technical, quality, and value, which are utilized as inputs for various machine learning models such as classifiers and regressions. Leveraging the interpretability methods mentioned earlier, she unravels the intricate relationships between these factors and stock price predictions. Through rigorous backtesting, Ding discovers that non-linear models surpass linear models in terms of performance. Moreover, she observes that the effects of different factors exhibit temporal variations, highlighting the dynamic nature of stock price prediction. Ultimately, Ding identifies AdaBoost as the most suitable model for their specific scenario.

Importantly, Ding underscores the significance of interpretability methods in comprehending machine learning models. She underscores that while the vector approach provides quick insights into the most predictive interactions, it falls short in revealing the quality of these interactions. Ding emphasizes the value of employing two-dimensional partial dependence plots to visualize simpler interactions effectively. Additionally, she recommends the line plot method for delving into the intricacies of individual interactions and visualizing local effects, as long as the data is sufficiently clear from noise.

Summing up her findings, Ding emphasizes two key takeaways from her project. Firstly, she confirms that machine learning models outperform linear naive regressions in the majority of scenarios due to their capacity to capture complex interaction effects. Secondly, she highlights the feasibility of interpreting machine learning models by leveraging a variety of interpretability methods. These techniques enable researchers to elucidate the individual contributions of factors and comprehend their interactive influences on predictions.

  • 00:00:00 Yumeng Ding discusses their approach to interpreting machine learning models used to make stock price predictions. They utilized three types of factors- technical, quality, and value- to make predictions using various machine learning models such as classifiers and regressions. To interpret their models, they used interpretability methods such as partial dependence plots, permutation feature importance, edge statistics, and LIME, which allowed for the breakdown of individual feature effects and their interactions. Through their backtesting, they found that non-linear models outperformed linear models, and the factor effects changed over time. They concluded that AdaBoost was the best model for their scenario.

  • 00:05:00 Yumeng Ding discusses various methods to interpret machine learning models. She emphasizes that while the vector approach is quick and efficient in finding the most predictive interactions, it only shows the strength instead of the quality of the interactions. She highlights that two-dimensional partial dependence is necessary to visualize some easy interactions. Ding suggests that the line plot method is suitable for diving into the detail of individual interactions and visualizing local interactions, provided that the data is not too noisy. She concludes by noting that their project highlights two takeaways: firstly, machine learning models outperform linear naive regressions in most scenarios due to their ability to capture interaction effects. Secondly, interpreting machine learning models is possible with the various interpretability methods available, which allow us to explain how individual factors contribute to predictions both individually and interactively.
Yumeng Ding (Cornell MFE '20) - "Interpreting Machine Learning Models"
Yumeng Ding (Cornell MFE '20) - "Interpreting Machine Learning Models"
  • 2021.03.12
  • www.youtube.com
March 9, 2021CFEM alumna Yumeng Ding discusses her team capstone project, which was titled, “Interpreting Machine Learning Models.” By utilizing Machine Lear...

Silvia Ruiz (Cornell MFE '20): "How to Predict Stock Movements Using NLP Techniques"

Silvia Ruiz (Cornell MFE '20): "How to Predict Stock Movements Using NLP Techniques"

Silvia Ruiz, a recent graduate of the Cornell MFE program, shares insights from her project focused on predicting stock prices using NLP (Natural Language Processing) techniques. The objective of her team's research was to explore the relationship between corporate filings, such as 10-K and 10-Q reports, and the subsequent impact on stock prices. To accomplish this, they collected a substantial dataset consisting of 1,095 reports from the EDGAR website, encompassing 50 companies across five sectors of the S&P 500.

Initially, Ruiz and her team experimented with dictionary-based models but encountered limitations in their effectiveness. To address this, they incorporated advanced methods like the word to back model and Finberg, which proved crucial in comprehending the contextual nuances embedded in the corporate filings. Additionally, they employed various sentiment measures, including word polarity and complexity, as well as an xg boost model, to predict stock price movements.

The accuracy of their predictions was evaluated over two different time frames. In the short-term, their model achieved a remarkable accuracy of 61%, while in the long-term, it demonstrated a respectable accuracy of 53%. Leveraging these predictions as signals for investment decisions, they outperformed an equally weighted portfolio. However, Ruiz highlights the need for further research across diverse sectors to enhance the precision and generalizability of their findings.

Silvia Ruiz concludes her discussion by generously offering her contact information and providing a link to her project's repository on Github. This gesture encourages follow-up inquiries and promotes collaboration in advancing the understanding and application of NLP techniques in the domain of stock price prediction.

  • 00:00:00 Silvia Ruiz, a recent Cornell MFE graduate, talks about her project on whether stock prices can be predicted using NLP techniques. Sylvia and her team aimed to investigate the impact of corporate filings like 10k and 10q on a company's stock prices and collected data of 1095 reports from the edgar website of 50 companies of the S&P 500 of five sectors. They found that using dictionary-based models was not effective and required the methods of the word to back model and Finberg to understand the context. Finally, they used a variety of sentiment measures, including word polarity and complexity, and ran an xg boost model with the variable of predicting stock prices.

  • 00:05:00 Silvia Ruiz explains how she attempted to predict stock movements using NLP techniques. She mentions that her team accounted for market returns by taking stock prices before the report release and five days after, comparing them to the market return. The long-short-term accuracy was at 61% while the long-term was 53%, and they used their predictions as signals to invest in stocks. Their strategy was more effective than the equally weighted portfolio, but further research is required, particularly across different sectors, for more accurate results. She shares her contact information and Github link for further inquiries.
Silvia Ruiz (Cornell MFE '20): "How to Predict Stock Movements Using NLP Techniques"
Silvia Ruiz (Cornell MFE '20): "How to Predict Stock Movements Using NLP Techniques"
  • 2021.05.12
  • www.youtube.com
Silvia Ruiz will discuss her CFEM capstone project, which was titled, “How to Predict Stock Movements Using NLP Techniques.” By utilizing NLP techniques, the...

Charles-Albert Lehalle: "An Attempt to Understand Natural Language Processing"

Charles-Albert Lehalle: "An Attempt to Understand Natural Language Processing"

In this video presentation, Charles-Albert Lehalle and his team delve into the applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the finance domain. Their discussion revolves around three key areas: sentiment analysis, stock price prediction, and transaction cost modeling. They acknowledge the challenges associated with NLP, such as the risk of overfitting and bias in embeddings, and propose potential solutions, including multitasking learning and expanding lexicons. The team explores both the potential and limitations of NLP in the financial industry, emphasizing the importance of understanding context and language patterns within different sectors.

Lehalle and his team present their own experiments using NLP techniques, providing valuable insights on how NLP can compress information and offer informative indicators for financial analysts. They highlight the challenges of employing NLP in finance, including the requirement for domain-specific knowledge and the difficulty of extracting meaningful information from unstructured text data. Ethical concerns surrounding the use of NLP in finance, such as leveraging social media data for trading purposes, are also discussed.

Throughout the presentation, Charles-Albert Lehalle shares his expertise and knowledge on various NLP topics. He explains the use of lexicon-based and embedding-based NLP methods in finance, proposing a combination of both approaches to capture lexical and probabilistic features in text data. The challenges of distinguishing between synonyms and antonyms within embeddings are addressed, and Lehalle's team explores generative models to control the structure and sentiment of text. The importance of understanding embeddings and reference models, such as matrices representing joint word distributions, is emphasized.

Lehalle further explores the significance of context in NLP, discussing how embeddings can be biased for positive and negative words based on context. He explains the use of Markov chains to structure reference matrix models and presents experiments on identifying synonyms within embeddings. The limitations of NLP in capturing company names and their associated polarities are acknowledged, along with the suggestion of multitasking learning for supervised embeddings. The speakers also touch on the Loughran-McDonald Lexicon's imbalance of positive and negative words and the challenges of processing irony in financial texts.

The presentation concludes with an overview of a project by Sylvia Ruiz, a recent Cornell Financial Engineering graduate. The project focuses on predicting stock prices using NLP techniques, specifically by scraping management discussion sections from 10-K and 10-Q filings of 50 S&P 500 companies and analyzing sentiment to assess its impact on stock prices. Lehalle discusses the limitations of dictionary-based models and explains how their team expanded the dictionary, employed FinBERT to understand context, and utilized various features to measure sentiment. They achieved better performance than an equally weighted portfolio in both the short and long term.

In summary, Charles-Albert Lehalle and his team shed light on the potential and challenges of NLP in finance. They offer insights, experiments, and strategies for applying NLP techniques effectively, while emphasizing the importance of responsible use and a deep understanding of both the technology and the financial domain.

  • 00:00:00 The speaker introduces Charles-Albert Lehalle, an expert in quant finance, who is giving a 40-minute presentation on NLP. The speaker mentions Lehalle's past publications on quant finance, which cover multiple topics on NLP. The speaker also introduces Sylvia Ruiz, who recently graduated from Cornell and worked on an NLP project with Rebellion Research. The talk aims to help people get started with NLP, which can often feel intimidating due to the need for data scraping and applying packages. The speaker briefly touches on the use of NLP in finance and mentions that Lehalle's team is using NLP for more than a year now, with some predictors and strategies in production. The talk is based on an ongoing work by Mengedar, and the speaker encourages the audience to send links or papers that they feel should be included in the presentation.

  • 00:05:00 Charles-Albert Lehalle discusses the possibilities of using Natural Language Processing (NLP) in financial trading. By utilizing NLP, traders are able to quickly access information in text form, such as transcripts of earnings announcements, social media, and financial news. This information can give traders a speed advantage in buying before others and thus move the price upwards. In addition, traders can use NLP to cross-section a large amount of text on many companies and rank them based on expected returns. However, Lehalle notes that NLP has a high risk of overfeeding due to the amount of possible parameters. Nonetheless, by understanding the information received, traders can adjust their strategies accordingly for potential profit.

  • 00:10:00 Charles-Albert Lehalle discusses the use of lexicon-based and embedding-based natural language processing (NLP) methods in finance. He explains how lexicon-based systems are built by human analysts who annotate a lot of text to identify positive or negative sentiment on stocks, whereas embedding-based systems model the probabilistic context of words. Lehalle proposes that these two methods should be combined to capture both the lexical and probabilistic features of text data in financial markets. He also outlines his approach to exploring how embeddings can capture synonyms and antonyms, which can have practical implications for predictive analysis in finance.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, Charles-Albert Lehalle discusses the challenges involved in natural language processing (NLP). While capturing synonyms can reduce the complexity of a text, embeddings can have difficulty distinguishing between synonyms and antonyms. This creates a challenge if you want to inject your lexicon into a system that is not able to differentiate between them. Lehalle's team is attempting to develop a generative model of a text to control the structure of the text and sentiment and see if they can recover what they put in the language. They plan to use a large corpus of financial news to apply these techniques and analyze how they work. Theoretical aspects of this process include the use of the word 2x keygram method and a stochastic matrix.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, Charles-Albert Lehalle explains natural language processing using the skip-gram word2vec model. He discusses the low-rank decomposition of the matrix for embeddings and how it can be rewritten as a neural net with a soft max output. He also explains how attention heads in models like BERT are more local, with a lot of local embeddings addressing context. He emphasizes the importance of understanding embeddings and the reference model, which is a big hidden matrix that is used to optimize the loss function.

  • 00:25:00 Charles-Albert Lehalle explains the concept of reference models in natural language processing. He discusses the different types of reference models, including a big matrix that represents the joint distribution of all the words, a statistical estimate of the true reference model, and the hidden reference model that generated the text. He also talks about frequentist synonyms, which are words that have the same embedding even though they are antonyms from a semantic viewpoint, due to their frequent appearance in the same position in a corpus. This understanding is important in the discussion of ethics in natural language processing.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, Lehalle discusses the importance of context in natural language processing and gives examples of how embeddings can be biased for positive and negative words depending on the context. He also explains how generating a corpus using a Markov chain can help structure the big reference matrix model for words and how the loss function for a word to be correctly embedded is a cross-entropy between two distributions. The first experiment presented involves designing synthetic languages with synonyms and trying to recover the synonyms as blocks in the embeddings. However, the embeddings are found to be poor in identifiability, making it difficult to recover a low-dimensional space from a large embedding. Finally, cosine similarities between embeddings of synonyms are computed.

  • 00:35:00 Charles-Albert Lehalle discusses using the Lung Hand Micro Lexicon to train embeddings to make a distinction between positive and negative financial news headlines. He notes that embeddings are not designed to differentiate synonyms that appear frequently together, such as the words in headlines, so using embeddings on headlines to identify positive and negative words is challenging. However, when looking at the body of financial news over time, cosine similarity metrics show that positive and negative words are clearly distinguishable from each other. Lehalle also shows that company names, such as banks, during a financial crisis, are closer to negative words than positive ones. Overall, the positioning of vocabulary within embeddings greatly affects their ability to distinguish between positive and negative words in financial news.

  • 00:40:00 The speaker Charles-Albert Lehalle discusses the limitations of natural language processing (NLP) when it comes to company names and their associated polarities, as well as the non-stationarity of embeddings. He suggests that embeddings focus on prioritizing the distribution of neighborhood words, making it difficult for them to differentiate between frequencies and synonyms. Lehalle goes on to suggest that multitasking learning, training embeddings simultaneously with a task that is supervised by a polarized lexicon, could be a good idea. Additionally, he notes that company names may be a useful indicator of reputation, and that NLP-generated news stories are a greater concern than companies trying to cheat NLP algorithms. Finally, he explains that NLP algorithms could potentially be used to extract information and label it with a new value, allowing for the deducing of analyst estimates rather than prices.

  • 00:45:00 In this section of the video, the speakers discuss the imbalance of negative versus positive words in the Loughran-McDonald Lexicon, which was set up by humans and is used in natural language processing (NLP) for financial text analysis. They suggest that the imbalance could be due to the legal and structured nature of financial documents written by lawyers who tend to be protective. The speakers also touch on the use of NLP in transaction cost modeling and the challenges of processing irony in long financial texts. They then introduce Sylvia Ruiz, a recent graduate from the Cornell Financial Engineering program, who presents her team's project on predicting stock prices using NLP techniques. The project focused on scraping management discussion sections from the 10K and 10Q filings of 50 companies in the S&P 500 and analyzing sentiment to determine the impact on stock prices.

  • 00:50:00 Charles-Albert Lehalle discusses the problems with using dictionary-based models for natural language processing (NLP) and how he and his team used NLP techniques to improve their models. He explains how they expanded their dictionary to have a more balanced classification of words by using a skipgram model and the FinBERT model to understand context. They then used various features to measure sentiment and word complexity before running an xg boost model to predict whether a stock's price would go up or down. Although their accuracy was relatively low, they were able to create a strategy that performed better than an equally-weighted portfolio in both the short and long term.

  • 00:55:00 Charles-Albert Lehalle discusses the potential of natural language processing (NLP) in the financial industry. He suggests that more research is necessary, and that it may be beneficial to divide the industry into sectors because each sector has a different language pattern. Furthermore, he advises against trying to simultaneously understand the text and predict things like expectations, as NLP may be better used to compress information and provide informative indicators. Instead, analysts can use their own reasoning to compare predictions to expectations and create a "surprise predictor." Overall, Lehalle emphasizes the need to understand the limitations and strengths of NLP before attempting to integrate it into financial analysis.

  • 01:00:00 In this section, the speakers discuss the use of adversarial training for NLP models to increase their robustness. This technique can be applied to address bias in language, such as gender neutrality. The speakers also consider using adversarial training to break the neutrality between positive and negative words, but caution that this may not be suitable for building trading strategies. The discussion then moves on to the challenges of extracting sections from financial documents, such as 10K filings, due to differences in how companies label and format their sections.

  • 01:00:00 The speakers discuss the use of adversarial training for NLP models to increase their robustness. This technique can be applied to address bias in language, such as gender neutrality. The speakers also consider using adversarial training to break the neutrality between positive and negative words, but caution that this may not be suitable for building trading strategies. The discussion then moves on to the challenges of extracting sections from financial documents, such as 10K filings, due to differences in how companies label and format their sections.

  • 01:05:00 In this section of the video, Charles-Albert Lehalle explains that he did not compare his own embeddings and Bloomberg's sentiment index as it was not the purpose of the study. He believes that Bloomberg's predictors are probably trying to build predictors rather than indexes, which are difficult to benchmark against. He reveals that there are papers on constructing empirical asset pricing factors using NLP and explains that NLP can be used to create numerous factors based on the information contained in the corpus, such as the 10k factor or a risk section factor. Therefore, NLP is just a technique and the corpus is the most important factor in this case.
Charles-Albert Lehalle: "An Attempt to Understand Natural Language Processing"
Charles-Albert Lehalle: "An Attempt to Understand Natural Language Processing"
  • 2021.02.17
  • www.youtube.com
Full Title: "An Attempt to Understand Natural Language Processing And Illustration On A Financial Dataset"Speaker: Charles-Albert Lehalle (Capital Fund Manag...