Need HELP. Need TrailingStop and Break even for this Template



i need help with my EA. i need a simple trailing stop and a simple break even but i dont know how to do this.

Thats my EA Code dont laugh its my first EA ;-)

please do not change so much. if possible just only insert the trailing stop, that i can still simply put there my strategies.

ive made "dont touch" if where possible nothing should be changed

Thanks in advance

i would also pay 10$ for the programming via PayPal

sorry for my bad english

Thanks again

#property copyright "Copyright © 2011, Sebastian Meissner"

extern string  Expert_Name    = "Trading Basti";
extern double iLots=0.1;
extern double iMaximumRisk= 0.02;
extern int iStopLoss=650;
extern int iTakeProfit=50;
extern int iMaxTrades=1;
extern int iMagicNumber=336699;

double stochg,stochr;

int iTotalTrades;
int iOrderOpenStatus;
int iErrorNumber;

string strErrorMessage;

double LotsOptimized()
  double lot=iLots;
//---- select lot size
//---- return lot size
   if(lot<0.1) lot=0.1;
   if(lot>50.0) lot=50.0;

//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()

//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()

//| The functions from this point to the start function are where    |
//| changes are made to test other systems or strategies.            |

//| expert start function                                            |
int start()

  stochg = iCustom (NULL,0,"Stochastic",8,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_MAIN,0);                 //////// dont touch
  stochr = iCustom (NULL,0,"Stochastic",8,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,MODE_SIGNAL,0);               //////// dont touch
  double willd       = 81;                                                             //////// dont touch
  double willu       = 19;                                                             //////// dont touch
  double will1       = 80;                                                             //////// dont touch
  double will2       = 20;                                                             //////// dont touch

// Buy-Order ausführen


if (( stochg > will2) && (stochg > stochr) && (stochr < will2) && (stochr > willu) && (iTotalTrades < iMaxTrades)) //// dont touch this

double dBuyStopLoss=Ask-(iStopLoss*Point);
double dBuyTakeProfit=Ask+(iTakeProfit*Point);

iOrderOpenStatus=OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_BUY,LotsOptimized(), Ask, dBuyStopLoss, dBuyTakeProfit, "Trading Basti",iMagicNumber,0,Green);
   if (iOrderOpenStatus<0)
      Print ("Order fehlgeschlagen!: ", iErrorNumber);
// Sell-Order ausführen


if (( stochg < will1) && (stochg < stochr) && (stochr > will1) && (stochr < willd) && (iTotalTrades < iMaxTrades)) ///// dont touch

   double dSellStopLoss=Bid+(iStopLoss*Point);
   double dSellTakeProfit=Bid-(iTakeProfit*Point);
iOrderOpenStatus=OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_SELL,LotsOptimized(), Bid, dSellStopLoss, dSellTakeProfit, "Trading Basti",iMagicNumber,0,Red);
   if (iOrderOpenStatus<0)
      Print ("Order fehlgeschlagen!: ", iErrorNumber);