FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 240


If he hasn't been banned, then let him come here and moderate, it's his branch, and don't let the stowaways come here.

Yeah, profanity's punishable. Good afternoon. So what can we expect from the eureka? Who is to say?

Tantric you're a Genius! found a way around the censorship...

You create a dictionary...word=smiley and send it out in private...we swear and abuse each other further...moderators using ga and neural networks trying to unravel the secret code of the Tantrum+ superbrain...but second generation is on the way...the Tantrum++ supercode.... i know, i know thank you.

I have a feeling it will go lower... not today of course... we'll see...

Yeah, profanity is punishable. Good afternoon. So what can we expect from the eurik? Who's to say?

If soothsayers are needed, it's Tantrik.)

Yeah, profanity is punishable. Good afternoon. So what can we expect from the eurik? Who can predict?
There are a lot of predictions, but I personally would refrain from trading at least until tomorrow. It looks like it's going down...
and refurbished, you can read the comments, people praise it.
Yeah! )) The station is great!!! and the reviews are great, only I've got nothing but foul language, sorry )) Gold never fails! ))
I see a lot of people don't like the faq...

I don't give a shit about your likes/dislikes, that's not why I'm here.

If he hasn't been banned, then let him come here to moderate, it's his thread, and don't let the newcomers get in the way.

Of course, when the local "guru" says so, everyone rushes to do it...

he doesn't care about love,
♪ he's rubbing his hands together ♪
That's not what he's here for,
but to keep them from pooping in bunches...


Of course, when the local "guru" says so, everyone rushes to do it...

I'm not a guru, little man, go talk to Carlson, you're better at it.