FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 75

Mediation, sooner or later it's a pipe to the deposit, tested! One of the varieties of martin. You should only add it to profitable positions, i.e. - pyramiding!

I understand, I will google martin to see what kind of a beast it is. Mabylich just loves the drive ))))

I found this...let's explain what it means, who can? how can one go broke on the rise and then turn a profit?
Get it out of your head. You don't have what it takes for such a technique.
Put it out of your mind. You don't have what it takes for a technique like this.
Are you referring to my pinched brain? I'm working hard on it ))))

I see, I'll google martin and see what it is. Mabylich just loves the drive ))))
Martingale is evil!!! a ghostly hope!!! everyone goes through this ;)
Are you referring to my pinched brain? I'm working on it hard ))))
No. You need balls of steel to survive. Those are the minimum requirements.

where is the ecuadorian verse?

The euro goes up, the quid goes kaput.

The draga's cracking up.

♪ Soros the oracle, he sang a holocaust ♪

to a lowly Jew )))).

No. You need balls of steel for over-seeding. These are the minimum requirements.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... what's not there is not there... what a shame )))))))))))))))))))))))

Soros is an old divorcee.

I've been meaning to ask. Why do you use fractals?


How often does wishful thinking coincide with reality?
State is not enough - you have to believe :)))

Soros is an old divorcee.

I've been meaning to ask. Why do you use fractals?

They give me a signal: if a fractal lives over two hours on n1, it means I'm right and the price is mine, even though I look at n4, it is quieter)))