Selling a trading strategy. How? - page 8


Man... sometimes I just want to find that Chuvashov... and kick him in the face...! I don't even know why)))
Do you want to see his PAM?

No. This is Jenseits des Lustprinzips.


you really want to know?)


А! If you want to continue projecting Freud's work onto society here, maybe someone can help me? For breakfast, I can suggest "A Study of Hysteria." That's all right.

Somebody even showed up with a nickname - so don't keep it to yourself. Let's hear it...))

Do you want to see his pamm?

Yes, I did.) But he kind of said it wasn't his fault he failed.)

It begins with a bonfire in Rome's Piazza delle Flower, with denunciations by Giovanni Mocenigo.

Unfortunately, but why would I be unfortunate...., in short, I have read comrade Freud in bits and pieces, and the nickname was more like a banter...... but his ideas, from what I have read, are mostly sympathetic to me. do not look in the nickname for some hidden meaning of the user))))) you are not a stupid person..... as for Freud, I think that many understand him too literally (in small things), but the essence is true.

although i am also impressed by jung's direction of thought, Karl gustav.

It starts with a bonfire in Rome's Piazza delle Flower, with denunciations by Giovanni Mocenigo.
Yes, Giordano was burned for you know what? Not for science at all.

А! If you want to continue projecting Freud's work onto society here, maybe someone can help me? For breakfast, I can suggest "A Study of Hysteria." That's all right.

Somebody even showed up with a nickname - so don't keep it to yourself. Let's hear it...))

Who are we investigating?
That's not a fact.
Yeah, they burned Giordano for you know what? Not for science at all.

Wrong answer to "give me a smoke"?