[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 385

19 January. /Dow Jones/. There is potential for the euro/dollar pair to fall further as the current situation is seen as a period of "temporary /and unjustified/ calm" rather than a reversal point for investors' risk appetite, Credit Agricole said. The bank also adds that the ECB's liquidity provision could increase bank deleveraging during the first half of 2012, threatening the real economy. As the eurozone crisis continues, the impact of demand for the dollar as a safe haven currency could cause the euro/dollar pair to fall over the next few months. The bank recommends buying put options on the euro/dollar pair in the 1.2910-1.2300 range for a three-month period to prepare for this decline. This could be worth 1.57% of euro volumes. At the time of writing, the pair was trading at 1.2906.
2012.01.19 14:22:41 *Draghi: Europe has avoided a serious financing crisis
2012.01.19 14:24:35 *BofA: Aggregate risks for Greece, Italy, Ireland, Portugal and Spain at end of Q4 reduced to $14.4bn
2012.01.19 14:24:55 *Draghi: We see cautious signs of stabilisation at low levels

So life is getting better?))) And the channel is turning more and more upwards, and with it turning more and more above correction targets)))


2012.01.19 14:21:25 *ECB president Draghi: Banks that previously struggled to access ECB liquidity now have it


So life is getting better?)))

The situation has fundamentally changed...

According to my readings: pullback to 1.2840, at the breakdown of 1.2770-80, then 1.2660-80 and the scenario of 1.25 is not cancelled yet...

If we do not go down to 1.25 by January 25, then a strong rise is expected...

2012.01.19 14:37:51 *Draghi: Some markets are reopening
2012.01.19 14:37:37 *Draghi: Eurozone situation is progressing for the better
2012.01.19 14:37:27 *Draghi: All countries have shown extraordinary determination on fiscal and structural reforms
2012.01.19 14:36:54 *Draghi: Very good progress on the fiscal front in the euro zone in the last 8 months
Stranger, are we the ones pushing back from 2900? M10
Hello all. Mobile, you're already in the lock. Well, it's not far to the bottom.
You're as kind as a woodpecker. Why don't you shut up and look what's going on on the chart in front of you instead of digging up other people's woes?
You're a kindly peckerwood. You should shut up and look what's going on on the chart instead of digging up other people's grief.
It's just that I know how he lost his old depo. He also got into the hole, and he didn't get it done. And I'm not going to throw stones in his shoes.

This is what a low rate means...

FRANKFURT, January 19. /Dow Jones/. Euro zone exports set a new monthly record in November, keeping the region's current account deficit fairly low, the European Central Bank (ECB) said on Thursday. But capital account data continue to indicate tensions in the region's financial sector.

Adjusted for seasonal fluctuations, the current account deficit decreased to EUR 1.8bn in November from EUR 6.6bn in October. The annual deficit decreased from 58.7 billion € to 44.9 billion € or 0.5% of the GDP.