How to update txt file only specific text


I want only update Count: If I have 1, to 2 and other string I don't want to change...

this is my code:
void SaveInfoForSymbols(int ticketId, int orderType, int count)
                    string sym = "data//" + _Symbol + "_info_" + (string)MagicNumber + ".txt";
                    int handle;
                    handle = FileOpen(sym, FILE_TXT | FILE_WRITE | FILE_COMMON, ';');
                    if (handle > 0)
                        FileWrite(handle, "ticketId:" + ticketId + ";Symbol:" + _Symbol + ";orderType:" +orderType +";Magic Number:" + (string)OrderMagicNumber() + ";Count:" + ((string)count));
                        Print("Save Trade Info!");
get from file:

string readTicketInfo()
    string sym = "data//" + _Symbol + "_info_" + (string)MagicNumber + ".txt";
    string str;
    int file_handle = FileOpen(sym, FILE_READ | FILE_TXT | FILE_COMMON);
    if (file_handle != INVALID_HANDLE)
        //--- additional variables
        int str_size;
        //--- read data from the file
        while (!FileIsEnding(file_handle))
            //--- find out how many symbols are used for writing the time
            str_size = FileReadInteger(file_handle, INT_VALUE);
            //--- read the string
            str = FileReadString(file_handle, str_size);
            //--- print the string
        //--- close the file
        //  PrintFormat("Data is read, %s file is closed",sym);
        PrintFormat("Failed to open %s file, Error code = %d", sym, GetLastError());

    return str;


string getDataFromTicket(int number)
  string textReplace = readTicketInfo(); //"ticketId:349668287;Symbol:EURAUD;orderType:0;Magic Number:0;Count:1";
  string text=textReplace;
  int replaced=StringReplace(text,"ticketId:","");
  replaced+=StringReplace(text,"Magic Number:","");

string to_split= text; //"ticketId:349668287;Symbol:EURAUD;orderType:0;Magic Number:0;Count:1";   // A string to split into substrings
   string sep=";";                // A separator as a character
   ushort u_sep;                  // The code of the separator character
   string result[];               // An array to get strings
   //--- Get the separator code
   //--- Split the string to substrings
   int k=StringSplit(to_split,u_sep,result);
   //--- Show a comment 
  // PrintFormat("Strings obtained: %d. Used separator '%s' with the code %d",k,sep,u_sep);

 return result[number];
