[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 6: August 2011) - page 122


what is the name of the pattern when two identical candles are of different colours.

Observe at D

The rails. But that's not it. There's a fence...

The fence on the diaries is not good. Looks like volatility loosening associated with a near catastrophe. EURUSD will bounce soon - if not to 1.72, then to parity. In both cases a catastrophe...

So I am talking about parity. There will be no catastrophe.
odiseif great result...didn't have time to copy...the eu, the index, and the third what...
oil ...eurobucks only made one position
Tantrik, it was Invincible_trader, not Invisible.
Tantrik, it was Invincible_trader, not Invisible.

Who cares, but I did. This pair is said to be in buy, so the minimum was 30% - 400t. was left of the depo. It will come to the channel and there is no one to withdraw (and there is no one to withdraw, the Swiss have intervened - we had enough for 50 pips).


- what are the peculiarities of the oil trade... the result is yours.... INSPIRING...odiseif

I haven't heard from two people I respect: Zoritch and Artikul.

They have their own TS, and it is unconventional. They are probably mowing...


Who cares, but I did. This pair is said to be in buy, so the minimum was 30% - 400t. was left of the depo. It will reach the channel and it will be lost (and there is no one to turn it around, the Swiss intervened - it was enough for 50 pips).

Look at his depo load (already at minimum), so he covered the losers most likely. Now slowly recovering. And it's not the fact that audi/frank, it's people guessing, and he could have entered on several pairs.

Who cares, but I did. This pair is said to be in buy, so the minimum was 30% - 400t. left of the depo. It will reach the channel and it will be lost (and there is no one to turn it around, the Swiss intervened - it was enough for 50 pips).

Woe is in the mind...