[Archive!] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass it by. Couldn't go anywhere without you - 2. - page 267

Deleted! Just deleted.
That's it!!! Now wait for the collection team from DC to come to your house. Don't open the door for anyone. If anything, I'll give you a parabellum... :))))))

"...Could you please tell me if there is any way to close all open orders at once? Not one by one manually...".

int CloseAll()
    int   iCheck = 1 ;
    bool  bResponse  ; 
    int   N = OrdersTotal () - 1    ;
    for ( int i = N ; i >= 0 ; i -- )
          OrderSelect ( i , SELECT_BY_POS , MODE_TRADES ) ;
          if      ( ( OrderType () == OP_BUY  ) || ( OrderType () == OP_SELL ) )
                      bResponse  = OrderClose ( OrderTicket () , OrderLots () , OrderClosePrice () , 0 , White ) ;
          else if ( ( OrderType () == OP_SELLLIMIT )
                 || ( OrderType () == OP_SELLSTOP  )
                 || ( OrderType () == OP_BUYLIMIT  )
                 || ( OrderType () == OP_BUYSTOP   ) )
                      bResponse  = OrderDelete ( OrderTicket () ) ;
          if        ( bResponse == false )
                      iCheck     = -1    ;
        } // for
    return ( iCheck ) ;


zdrastvujte,mozet kto znajet pocemu sovetnik netorgujet,uze vtaroj den s nim vozus i nekak nezapuskajetsa?



"Can you please tell me if there is any way to close all open orders at once? Not one by one manually".

I'll give you my five cents

void CloseAll()
    if(OrderType()<2) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),OrderClosePrice(),0,White);
    else OrderDelete(OrderTicket());

artmedia70 21.03.2011 21:25

zdrastvujte,mozet kto znajet pocemu sovetnik netorgujet, uze vtaroj den s nim vozus i nekak nezapuskajetsa?


This advisor starts trading from the third day.....))


eto to ponetno,but pocemu zaprescena,ili on privezan konkretnu sciotu?

I tried it on a drug sciote, but toze samoje.na demo.


eto to ponetno,but pocemu zaprescena,or on privezan konkretnu sciotu?

I tried it on a drug sciote, but toze samoje.na demo.

This is a protection against use on an account other than a specific one. You have to pay the developer... That's how he makes his money... :)))
This is protection against use on an account other than the one in question. You have to pay the developer a lot of money... That's how he makes his money... :)))

Spasibo za konrentij otvet.jescio vopros, aeto otkliucit kakto mozno?

Spasibo za konrentij otvet.jescio vopros,a eto otkliucit kakto mozno?

You can, but not on this forum. Programmers' work is respected here.

You can, but not on this forum. Programmers' work is respected here.

Ponetna spasibo.