Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 47


This thread is about MACD derivatives:

vasya_vasya 29.12.2011 11:40

"I think predicting the price by an indicator is as unrealistic as predicting the direction of a man's movement by spectral analysis of his ashes.


Spam thread:

granit7703.01.2012 19:37

Deleted spam from the SPAM branch.

Zhunko03.01.2012 21:46

The current situation looks like a global end.


Out of turn:


You have praised (18) better than me, but to you, as a research savvy, I will reveal another secret inherent in (18). It consists of 2 parts - conditionally constant, say P0 and variable Pi. So, the way of P0 determination has been used for the first time in mathematical practice; many bright minds will break heads and spears over the understanding of this phenomenon allowing a simultaneous constant factor in two branches of the equation, taking sometimes different and sometimes identical values depending on the SELL and BAY lines, characterizing the market in this situation. I do not have time to dwell on this feature (18) yet, but believe me, it is of no less value mathematically, than we are looking for the applied side of the question

Oh, my goodness! I haven't laughed so hard at some of the statements in a long time! This thread will be even funnier than the "Humour" thread)

Euroflood thread:

emotraid: была я на курсах ток зря деньги потратила стратегия черипаха если первоя волна накрыла вторую а третья ниже пятой то четвертая дает нам кусок фибоначей из которого мы можем построить дуги гана и там окажеца цена которая придет туда когда мувинг пересечет макд в какой то точке ... или не черепаха эт .. не помню


Euroflood thread


Euroflood thread:

Wah wah wah fun :D

So brutal teaching there)))

avtomat 08.01.2012 08:19
Dig in the direction of inertia.
Recently you claimed that the concept of "inertia" is not applicable here. Now you are claiming just the opposite. -- Have you changed your orientation yet?

I really like


I will now try to enter into a brutal argument with all your, and many others', ideology of understanding the meaning of trading in financial markets, in particular Forex. Such participants have formed a wrong opinion about the principle of trading on these markets, which is that you can supposedly make a profit here without investing operational funds in this business, for example, trying to trade and make a profit in a shop without having enough goods, which is commensurate with profits. They decided to compete with the market in dexterity and invulnerability. The outcome for many is predetermined. We ourselves have turned Forex into a roulette game, but we can turn it into a normal commercial object, which is characterized by both fixed and variable costs. And these costs must be met by managing them wisely. In my particular case, there is a normal process of reinvesting profits to support the business