Or maybe we should give it a try... - page 7


На настоящий момент прибыль составила 1200.00 баксов.....баланс соответственно 2200.00 баксов, эквити 2200.00...

Stops are not used.

Learn, gentlemen !


Stops are not used.

Learn, gentlemen !
Veri Goode

Who trades?

Who trades?
Certainly not me. Most likely Master Emher himself.
How about Niroba?

And what to learn? with demobax and do not go for a beer! Mr. topicstarter - since you started begging and repenting of moneylessness, let's better to cry, we will collect you on a cent account 1000c = 10$, and then you may return the money invested in you - you want an investor, the whole forum will be your investor, and you as a manager booooooooooooooo big PAMM

Balance 3200.00 no open positions.

In less than 24 hours the deposit has increased by 3 times.

Learn losers!

Now we have to withdraw 2200.00 quid and continue.

YESSSS! I've seen it:)
so what? It is not short-term earnings that are valued after all. If there is a system, it can be automated and tested. Otherwise, at the end of two years of trading, we will see the result.