Difference between manual and automated trading in MT4 for DCs - page 7


The brokerage company does not care whether you work with orders or with Expert Advisors.

It is even more profitable to trade with Expert Advisors since a much smaller percentage of clients can make a good Expert Advisor than those who push their own buttons ... and Expert Advisors are usually more active since they at least work around the clock ... so this is also profitable for brokerage companies ...



Последний вопрос. Почему, когда я смотрю историю сделок и просто навожу на сделку, открытую роботом, мышкой выскакивает такое сообщение, как на скрине, а когда навожу на ордер открытый руками ничего не высвечивается?

You're about to get banned, you've discovered a terrible secret! And all the witnesses will be liquidated :)))

Or vice versa, you will be liquidated and everyone will be banned.


Last question. Why, when I look at the history of trades and just point my mouse over a trade opened by a robot, a message like the one on the screenshot pops up, but when I point my mouse over an order opened by my hands, nothing pops up?

Very nice and helpful message

I also withdraw orders opened manually ... i don't know why you don't get it ...

I can see the magik number in the orders opened by my EA, which is very good


Question on this subject, if you open the documentation of the server part of the METAQUOTES software

i.e. the description of the mathematics which is behind the broker

you WILL NOT find information there to determine HOW the ORDER IS OPEN

expert or human


Translate a specific trader or group of traders

in which group autotrading is forbidden you can

by the way some dealers simply do not autotrade from the beginning

well, any of us have a choice

withdraw your deposit and go where the problems don't exist.

Greetings all. I have a question: if DTs can distinguish between manual and automatic, how? I've heard that automatic trading sets magic 0 by default and manual trading does not set it at all. Is this true and what do you think or know in general about this?

Dear Sir, please change your avatar a bit.