The legal side of trading. Does anyone have a FAQ? - page 8

By the way Gip, I opened your profile to see what topics you are most active in - it turns out only in trading on the news

In this situation it looks like Alpari has clearly been stupid and missed out on profits for both themselves and the client by not executing such a fat order.

I do not understand why they did not use their ECN even if the account was a classic one, it would have been implemented without any problems. Although a client could have done the same direct, but at Alpari we have not yet understood that orders can be easily transferred from classic accounts to ECN and this will only make things better. They have not understood this simple thing yet, although it is hard to believe that the last fools are sitting there.

I personally don't think they've done anything wrong, but I have no doubts about their intelligence. (but of course that's just a personal opinion).

Not really. If a pending order is accepted from a client (and it was accepted), it means it is already executed and standing! Otherwise it would not be in the terminal.

In other words, the pending order is placed and then, when the price approaches, it works and "takes" profit. But the dealer does not want to give this profit to the client. The dealer says that the "pending order did not work and was deleted!

Such a long-lived and savvy company will NEVER blunder. They will only blunder if they systematically make money
In this situation, it is clear that they were stupid, because all the money was returned to the client and they were left with nothing to show for it.
rid >>:

Когда мажору нечего ответить по делу, то он использует подленькие оскорбления.

Calling a reputable company a "rogue and bloody DC" with absolutely no basis or evidence is proud, patriotic and clever. The main thing is that the crowds will raise a cheering hue and cry.

There are enough grounds. There's more than enough.

But you need to stop being rude. As long as you're not here, and you're not being sneakily rude, the discussion was on the right track.

Don't make people laugh and behave decently and respond intelligently and on topic...

rid >>:

Не совсем так. Если отложка принята у клиента (а она была принята), то значит она уже выполнена и стоит! Иначе её не было бы в терминале.

Accepting and executing a pending order are two different things. Not all pending orders are always executed.
Andrei01 >>:

В данной ситуации выходит шо Алпари явно протупила и упустила прибыль и себе и клиенту, не выполнив такую жирную отложку.

Because the DC is not gambling and does not bet on growth/decline, but simply executes other people's orders according to the rules and gets a penny for it in the form of spread. A "fat put" is a risk - it may be plus or minus. DC does not take any risk, either plus or minus.