PPZ calculation - help to refine - page 12


Finalised the indicator.

Current levels on the Eurobucks D1:

Would you like to share an indicator? I'll translate it to a five.

Of course I will, but I'll clean up the code and tweak the parameters. It will be in the evening or at lunchtime.



Another option is a fractal density histogram.

Put the levels in the knobs.

indicator version 3.0 writes calculating ppz... Can you tell me what the problem could be?
indicator version 3.0 writes calculating ppz... Can you tell me what the problem could be?
Yes i agree i have the same glitch, when i put the indicator on the chart nothing happens at all.
Yes I agree I have this glitch too, when I put the indicator on the chart nothing happens at all.

It's working, Dserg, it's just a numbermag file that needs to be directoryed.


Can't you add the WAIT option to the usera settings

I haven't really understood the indicator code myself yet


Everything works, Dserg, it's just a numbermag file that needs to be directoryed

Can you tell me which files to put in which directories?