SPAM, SPAMMERS and their ASSOCIATES... - page 124

Also, seconded!


О! It should be impossible to read the forum without authorisation!

Read without authorisation, and download any files only with authorisation.

download files only if you are logged in.
do not go overboard.
don't go overboard.
I agree. Many forums have such a rule, in order to increase the number of registered users. In our case, it contradicts the main goal of the project - to popularise and spread the product.
Agreed. Many forums have such a rule, in order to increase the number of registered users. In our case, it contradicts the main goal of the project - to promote and disseminate the product.

You may give an opportunity to download files from CodeBase and articles and make what forum participants post available for downloading only to registered participants.

This will increase the responsibility of the participants.

PapaYozh: [...] make what forum members post available for download only to registered members.

This would increase the responsibility of participants.

Which participants will have more responsibility? Those who have posted the material - or those who have just registered to download it?
Agreed. Many forums have such a rule, in order to increase the number of registered users. In our case, it contradicts the main purpose of the project - to promote and distribute the product.

In our case, it is inappropriate to distribute and popularise the product to degenerates, retards and hamster-****races.

Number of characters 121
Number of characters without spaces 108
Number of words 13
Number of unique words 12
Number of significant words 6
Number of stop words 4
Water 46.2 %
Number of grammatical errors 0
Classic document nausea 1.00
Academic document nausea 0.0 %

The text acceptability test at has been successfully passed. Congratulations!

Which participants will have more responsibility? Those who posted the material - or those who just signed up to download it?

Those who haven't had time to earn a ban.


My thoughts :)


The forum is a good place to make it possible to download files from CodeBase and articles, and make what forum members post available for downloading only to registered members.

This will make participants more responsible.

Any forum is anarchy.
The only limitation in anarchy is a moderator.
Therefore, a moderator of any level should have absolute rights - to ban, delete etc. without the right to appeal.

But restricting access to the forum to newcomers is not serious and not right.


any forum is anarchy.
And in anarchy, the only constraint is the moderator.
Therefore, a moderator of any level should have absolute rights - to ban, delete, etc. without the right to appeal.

but restricting access to the forum to newcomers is neither serious nor right.

And the fact that only registered users can post on the forum doesn't bother you?