How do I check whether 'Optimisation' or 'Forward Optimisation' is in progress? - page 5

Dmitry Fedoseev:
On forward, the optimisation is also true.
Mine is not true, as I run separately by changing the ini file.
Lilita Bogachkova:
We need to determine when forward optimization starts and at that time OnTester() changes calculations.
We have already found out here that it is not necessary to have a date for forward calculations.
Youri Tarshecki:
It's not true for me, as I run it separately by changing the ini file.
And we are talking here about standard forward optimisation function in MT5 tester.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
And here we are talking about the standard forward optimisation function in the MT5 tester.
Lilita Bogachkova:
We need to determine when forward optimization starts and change calculations at this time OnTester().
There seems to be no way. We can always do both types of calculations in the OnTester and write the results in the file. The second half of the file will contain forward results.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
And we are talking here about the normal forward optimization function in the MT5 tester.
And with Optimization = Disabled Can OnTester be called?
Youri Tarshecki:
And with Optimisation = Disabled, Forward=Custom Can OnTester be called by code?
Youri Tarshecki:
And when Optimisation = Disabled Can OnTester be called?
I think you can. It's the same function as all the others.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
It seems to be impossible.

All the developers have to do is to add

and then allow to get TesterStatistics() results separately for optimization and forward optimization.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
I think you can. It's the same function as all the others.
Well, let it count twice, first the back, then the forward.