FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1286

Check your companies and withdraw before it's too late... as long as there is something to withdraw...

Forex-дилеры прекратят работу в России после Нового года
Forex-дилеры прекратят работу в России после Нового года
С момента вступления в силу закона о рынке Forex прошло больше месяца, однако до сих пор ни одна компания не подала в ЦБ документы на получение лицензии Forex-дилера, сообщили РБК в пресс-службе Банка России. , который вступил в силу 1 октября этого года, все компании, занимающиеся валютными сделками, должны до 1 января получить лицензию...
Anatoli Kazharski:
So he's not in the bathhouse now. )

That's right!!!

It means the scoundrels on the river are pecking at him...

Sergey Novokhatskiy:

Check your companies and withdraw before it's too late... as long as there is something to withdraw...

It's all nonsense, they won't do anything.
Sergey Novokhatskiy:

check your companies and withdraw before it's too late... as long as there is something to withdraw...

From the link:

Норма закона касается зарегистрированных на территории России Forex-компаний
So take it easy. Few people will be affected. For practically all of them are offshore companies.
Anatoli Kazharski:
So he is not in a ban right now. )

Maybe in the bathhouse with jimmy's friend as well)))

Sergey Novokhatskiy:

check your companies and withdraw before it's too late... the main thing is to have something to withdraw...

I think it's unlikely there will be anything from this swarm in terms of laws.


Let's be more specific, I'm saying there won't be a significant move upwards (above 52) yet, the levels to buy are 4900-4950.

Are you saying that the price goes to 5564?

looks like even 1510 won't let go... there's already less capital on euro options..... futures are all gone...
1.525 is the closest at the top.
1.525 at the top is the closest.
why would that be? where do you see it coming from?) just wondering...
Evgeniya Balchin:
looks like 1510 won't be allowed in either... there's already less capital on euro options..... the futures are all gone...
1.525 at the top is the closest.

there is such a thing, 5218:
