FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1187


No questions?)

I think the same is true for audi and the euro?

Ilya, who the fuck needs your deals, you just say something clever, we will listen, and your deals go to hell, they are of no interest to anyone.

Are we going down?

No questions?)

I think the same is true for Audi and Euro?

Ilya, who the fuck needs your deals, you just say something clever, we will listen, and your deals go to hell, no one is interested in them.

They asked about the moon, what does this have to do with it?

like going downhill?

So I drew the levels the day before yesterday, but everyone is so busy running around the field that they can't see the forest behind the trees.


the moon was asked, what's that got to do with it?

I'm talking about "the chiff reached my tee" and the like. We have no interest in your trades, you give us your opinion and that's it, see the trades yourself.

So I drew the levels the day before yesterday from where we are going down, but here everyone is so engrossed in running around the field that they can't see the forest behind the trees.

Maybe I don't follow or remember who says what.

I'm amused by the gas, 20% round trip in 2 days does. Forex is boring))))


Maybe I don't follow or remember who says what.

I am amused by gas, 20% round trip in 2 days does. Forex is boring))))

No, currencies are not boring when you see how much they earn and how much they dump) I have been dealing with papers for two days and did not care about markets - sometimes I had one look.)

For the pound it is starting to show 5190, it is necessary to look for the levels for the bays there, tomorrow I will shelve everything.

I'm talking about 'the chiff has reached my take' and so on. We have no interest in your trades, you tell us your opinion and that's it, see the trades for yourself.
Are we on the wrong side of the tracks? Or is there something wrong with the Koloputs?
or is there something wrong with the Koloputs?

It's just for-yes, I sold, I bought, does anyone need that?

You jump into those trades ten times a day, at least specify a short-term, a couple of days entry, etc., otherwise it's useless.

I sold, I bought, who wants that?

that's what people need...

If you bought it well, that's good!

And if you sell it well, that's good too!

Let people get a little richer, is that a pity?


that's what people need...

If you bought it well, that's good!

And if you sell it well, that's good too!

Let the people get a little richer, isn't that a shame?

What difference does it make to people how you bought or sold, successful or not?)