FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 586


they're the nicest ones at the chiff:


If the FOMC report is translated correctly. I don't know much English. Here is what I found interesting:

The committee concluded that while it had seen further progress, economic conditions justifying an increase in the target range for the federal funds rate had not yet been met. Members generally agreed that more information onthe Outlook would be necessary before a decision could be made on whether to implement a target range increase. One member, however, indicated a willingness to take this step at this meeting, but was prepared to wait for additional data to confirm the decision to increase the target range.

I, for instance, if I give them figures and explain why I think so ... Who does that ... virtually nobody ... Everyone thinks he's so smart )))

Is anyone interested?

Strenge is the only one who is constantly being pestered - "Where did you buy/sell, what's the price? Where's the insider from? And give me a ready-made grail...." etc.


If the FOMC report is translated correctly. I don't know much English. Here is what I found interesting:

The committee concluded that while it had seen further progress, economic conditions justifying an increase in the target range for the federal funds rate had not yet been met. Members generally agreed that more information onthe Outlook would be necessary before a decision could be made on whether to implement a target range increase. One member, however, indicated a willingness to take this step at this meeting, but was prepared to wait for additional data to confirm the decision to increase the target range.

It is all the fault of this one member...
Better post in Russian what's in the FOMC reports.
A meaningless wall of text. Which can only interest Margot.

Is anyone interested?

It's always just STrange being pestered - "Where did you buy/sell, what's the price? Where's the insider from? Give me a ready-made grail....", etc.

They're just messing with him. Who gives a fuck about his theories? Everything he does here is for himself.
It's all that one dick's fault...
So he's the one who wants to be promoted, but needs some more data.

By the way, the area where the limit is - we can (and probably will) go there tomorrow or on Friday before the news on the Canadian.

So we did.

Confirmed my assumption that there were sales there)

So he does want a promotion, but needs some more data.
needs another dick...
You'd better tell me who thinks what. The report is supposed to come out at 9 p.m., and the chatter started early. Or did it come out early?