FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 344


The teacher praised us)

Woodpecker, what inputs do you need, but buy Audi, Kiwi, Cad against the quid and hold it till the beginning of next year, you'll get rich)

Teacher, say something clever, let's have a laugh.)

The teacher praised us)

Woodpecker, what inputs do you need, but buy Audi, Kiwi, Cad against the quid and hold it till the beginning of next year, you'll get rich)

Duckbill, buy and sell. No entries then forecast next week eur or whatever you want. (what should I do without platypus' advice)
Teacher, say something clever, let's have a laugh.)

I haven't seen anything from you, the harrier is true ))))))))))) - the prediction from you is going to be true! (nothing to discuss yet)

go to the demo for a laugh ))))))))))


The teacher praised us)

Woodpecker, what inputs do you need, but buy Audi, Kiwi, Cad against the quid and hold it till the beginning of next year, you'll get rich)

Atez, against the buck, it's a dud in the short term.
Anatoli Kazharski:

They can swallow it, but they can't chew it yet. )))

Tolik, don't you think you're just a clown ))))))))))))) (it seems to me - and there is no need to be baptized)
Tolik, don't you think you're just a clown ))))))))))))) (it seems to me - no need to be baptized)
You're the only one)))

Before you start banging your head into something hard, put something like a beak on your forehead. Your capabilities will be multiplied. ))

Like this:


Do not show this to Ilya. He has a phobia of angry woodpeckers. ;))

Tolik, don't you think you're just a clown ))))))))))))) (it seems to me - I don't need to be baptized)
Yes, it seems to everybody.
Yeah, well, everyone does, Lieutenant Colonel.
The lack of oxygen in your brain is gonna make you feel a lot more than that. Alcohol side effects. Can't you see a UFO? I do. ;)))