Emotions when trading - page 5

I absolutely agree. But when I was young I was still itching to "help" the Expert Advisor to see the market more correctly. I could trade manually as well, but what for? You have optimized the Expert Advisor and you know that it will trade only the way it was written.
It's easy to optimize any Expert Advisor on history. The market is unstable and this optimization does not help in most cases. Unless the market is in transition yet...
That's where I started.
In fact, it is as the author writes. I didn't understand it at first. Now I think I do, but sometimes I just can't get a grip. I am an alcoholic :-D
The money you lose is your tuition fee.
For every mistake you make, you pay.
Trading on the Exchange is one of the most expensive trainings in the world.
But it's worth it, because firstly, it shows you who you really are.
And it is the best educator for you.
You won't hide from the Market.
It will bring out all your vices and flaws.
Anything you don't want to look at will become visible and obvious.
And secondly, it gives you a chance to be free.
There is nothing more precious in the world than Freedom.
But this road to Freedom is through a minefield.
So from now on, you're the bomb squad.
I'm not going to give you any more!
You don't have to say goodbye to money, you just have to calculate it right
but you have to lose it to learn how to count it. It is almost impossible to get it right all at once. Successful people are not better or smarter than that. They just know how to look at mistakes as a useful experience, learn a lesson from it and do not make the same mistakes again!

A miser pays twice, a dullard pays three times and a sucker pays all the time
This is probably the most important thing, a sober outlook and a clear head. If there are distractions, it is better not to trade.
I have been convinced of that many times. You sit down to trade, and suddenly you get distracted. You turn around and the money is gone... News or some other good news :-D.

I try to trade only on the trend.
I realized a long time ago that this way you can get any position in the black.
Trend is your Frend.
Yes, but the trend has such an interesting feature - it may change direction at any time! :-D
I've seen that more than once. I've seen it more than once. You've sat down to trade, and then bam, they distract you. You turn around and the money is gone... The news or some other good moves :-D
It's a peculiarity of the market, to catch the gaping ones :)

Because the market is so unpredictable, each one of us is different.
As the facts show, the market is very, very predictable - we have all been calculated in advance! Calculated almost every possible side lunge, backed us into a corner. You set a stop loss? You got a pullback. You go with the trend? You get a pullback. Trading against the trend? You're staying in a trend :-D Are you scalping? And you get flat and huge spread
. Even those who can find a loophole have a certain point of "user agreement" ready for their calculations.
Yes, but the trend has this interesting feature - it can change direction at any time!!!! :-D
That's what makes a profit, or a loss to some.
As the facts show, the market is very, very predictable - we have all been calculated in advance! Calculated almost every possible lunge to the side, cornered us. You set a stop loss? You got a pullback. You go with the trend? You get a pullback. Trading against the trend? You're staying in a trend :-D Are you scalping? And you have a flat and huge spread
. Even those who can find a loophole have their miscalculation in the form of some paragraph of "user agreement".
I'll say more, the market is not just predictable, it's manageable as well.