For major banks Considering job offers as a trader at your bank - page 7

But this is speculation)) but in the stock market, deposits are taken at 10% and loans are issued at 20%. The bank takes credit risk for the margin payment, i.e. the bank is a risk trader))

What is needed for economic development? Probably we need to put money into real production. What does the bank do? It attracts money from many small participants. If the bank buys, for example, currency or foreign stocks, then it is of no use, even harm.

I think there will be a benefit in trading the domestic stock market, but isn't it easier to just issue loans?


Pavlik, a bank manages to do everything and issue loans and attract deposits and trade currencies and stocks, but it's all in different proportions... called a loan and investment portfolio, where (conventionally) loans are 60%, investments in the central bank 25%, etc...

Your basic misconception that speculators don't do any good ...) they do, speculators maintain liquidity in the market, you can quickly buy or sell an asset at the expense of speculators ... and thank God all speculators have different opinions about where the market will go, so there is always someone (speculators) willing to buy or sell an asset...

speculators determine the fair value of an asset... all in all, they are a lot of use )) but for all this, they (speculators) take a price risk and the price is speculative profit ... so on...

In general, read more books on the subject and watch videos on the subject ... ... everything is clearly laid out in clear and understandable ways...


If a bank buys, for example, currency or foreign stocks, there is no use, even harm.

it depends on how you do it. If you are 100500% sure that the stock will grow, you can give these shares to repo, thus generating a fixed negative cash flow against a floating positive one. Again, if you are sure that the growth rate of the stock will exceed the repo rate... but I think you do not need to work hard to understand it )) the main thing is that it exists and works, regardless of your understanding )

In other words, I've been put on the wrong side of the fence. In that case, I would also recommend that you read and watch more videos, and most importantly, think differently about the issue.
Agreed, post what you think are useful links and I will gladly reconsider my point of view if the information in the video is sufficiently argued.
I have always been confused by these points:

- Financial or economic education

- Theoretical and practical knowledge of financial instruments

- Proactive and result-oriented attitude.

Financial or economic education never gave me the knowledge and experience to earn a positive profit.

I have never had much use for theoretical knowledge. That is why it is theory, it is an assumption. You do not play with real assets, not with monopolies on a piece of paper.

You don't need an active position in life, but the ability to manage your mind, to know the psychology of your personality, to get out of a negative situation if you have screwed up with the papers.

And the last thing, if you have experience and you trade positively, why do you need a bank or another office? If you do not know how to make positive statistics, why should you be hired by an office?


If you don't know how to make positive statistics, why should you be hired by an office?

You need that too, "someone has to sit" (R)
that kind of thing is needed too, "somebody's got to sit" (R)

"I'm the zeitgeist of Pound. I have always sat. I sat under Alexander the Second "Liberator", under Alexander the Third "Peacemaker", under Nicholas the Second "Bloody"...
Under Kerensky I sat too. However, I didn't do any time under military communism, pure commerce disappeared, there was no work. But how I did under the NEP!..."

OPA )))
In other words, I've been put on the wrong side of the fence. In that case, I would also recommend that you read and watch more videos and, most importantly, think differently about the issue.
and you wanted to appoint us?

Pavlik, a bank manages to do everything and issue loans and attract deposits and trade currencies and stocks, but it's all in different proportions... called a loan and investment portfolio, where (conventionally) loans are 60%, investments in the central bank 25%, etc...

Your basic misconception that speculators don't do any good ...) they do, speculators maintain liquidity in the market, you can quickly buy or sell an asset at the expense of speculators ... and thank God all speculators have different opinions about where the market will go, so there is always someone (speculators) willing to buy or sell an asset...

speculators determine the fair value of an asset... all in all, they are a lot of use )) but for all this, they (speculators) take the price risk and the price is speculative profit ... so on...

In general, read more books on the subject and watch videos on the subject ... Everything is now very accessible and clearly laid out...

it depends on how you do it, if you're 100500% sure that the stock will grow, you can give this stock in repo, thus generating a fixed negative cash flow against a floating positive one... again, if you're sure that the growth rate of the stock will exceed the repo rate... but I think you do not need to work hard to understand it )) the main thing is that it exists and works, regardless of your understanding )

You are confusing speculator and market maker. To maintain liquidity you need to trade with limiters. Limiters are not for speculators (mostly), it's a completely different strategy.