Does CAppDialog work on tester?


I have a CAppDialog with some control on it, like RadioGroup. It does not work at all on strategy tester.

If I use normal Button that is created by CreateObject(), so I can find it and set or get value from it. But CAppDialog radiogroup is not accessible.

Is there any way to solve this problem? 

Improving Panels: Adding transparency, changing background color and inheriting from CAppDialog/CWndClient
Improving Panels: Adding transparency, changing background color and inheriting from CAppDialog/CWndClient
In this article, we continue studying the use of CAppDialog. Now we will learn how to set color for the background, borders and header of the dialog box. Also, this article provides a step-by-step description of how to add transparency for an application window when dragging it within the chart. We will consider how to create child classes of CAppDialog or CWndClient and analyze new specifics of working with controls. Finally, we will review new Projects from a new perspective.