Json and WebRequest problem

I'm trying to access the data in Json

Using this code
//--- Checking errors
      Print("Error in WebRequest. Error code  =",GetLastError());
      //--- Perhaps the URL is not listed, display a message about the necessity to add the address
      MessageBox("Add the address '"+url+"' in the list of allowed URLs on tab 'Expert Advisors'","Error",MB_ICONINFORMATION);
       PrintFormat("The file has been successfully loaded, File size =%d bytes.",ArraySize(result));
        PrintFormat("The file has been successfully loaded, File size =%d bytes.",ArraySize(result));

 string    strRes = CharArrayToString(result);
      CJAVal json;
      string sign=json["1"]["macro"].ToStr();
      int s=json.Size();
      Print("size ",s); 

..but variable sign show an empty string.does anyone know how to fix it? Thanks