NEED HELP : ERROR array out of range in 'EA name' AND uninit reason 8


Hello I start in the mql4 code and I want to understand why my small program does not launch while the compilation shows no error!

(I’ve been stuck for 3 days)

Goal of the program:

Alerts the user that the stochastic oscillator of the M15 M30 H1 H4 timeframe of a symbol is on purchase or under purchase. The user can choose to set several currencies to be checked.

Here is the information MT4 sends me when I load the robots on a chart:

This is the script

//|                                      FlashTrade_iStochastics.mq4 |
//|                                                    Romeo caillon |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Romeo caillon"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

input double   stocIndiceHigh = 70.0;
input double   stocIndiceLow = 30.0;
input double   stocIndiceMaxHigh = 80.0;
input double   stocIndiceMaxLow = 20.0;
input int      minuteLockAlertLongTimeframe = 2;

string         arraySymbol[];
int            nbSymbol;
datetime       inAlertTimer[];
datetime       inBigAlertTimer[];

//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()

   //nbSymbol = CountItems(symbol);
   //Alert("nbSymbol = ",nbSymbol);
   nbSymbol = StringSplit(symbol,';',arraySymbol);
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
      //--- Loop all symbols to check stochastic ocsillation
      for(int i = 0 ; i <= nbSymbol ; i++){
         string symbolName = arraySymbol[i];
         if(inBigAlertTimer[i] < TimeLocal()){
            //printf("Vérifier gros Alert (0)");
            if(StocCalculate(15,symbolName) >= stocIndiceMaxHigh && StocCalculate(30,symbolName) >= stocIndiceMaxHigh && StocCalculate(60,symbolName) >= stocIndiceMaxHigh && StocCalculate(240,symbolName) >= stocIndiceMaxHigh){
               Alert(symbolName + " est en sur achat !");
               inBigAlertTimer[i] = TimeLocal() + minuteLockAlertLongTimeframe * 60;
            }else if(StocCalculate(15,symbolName) <= stocIndiceMaxLow && StocCalculate(30,symbolName) <= stocIndiceMaxLow && StocCalculate(60,symbolName) <= stocIndiceMaxLow && StocCalculate(240,symbolName) <= stocIndiceMaxLow) {
               Alert(symbolName + " est en sous achat !");
               inBigAlertTimer[i] = TimeLocal() + minuteLockAlertLongTimeframe * 60;
           if(inAlertTimer[i] < TimeLocal()){
               //printf("Vérifier si Petite Alert (1)");
               if(StocCalculate(15,symbolName) >= stocIndiceHigh && StocCalculate(30,symbolName) >= stocIndiceHigh && StocCalculate(60,symbolName) >= stocIndiceHigh && StocCalculate(240,symbolName) >= stocIndiceHigh){
                  Alert(symbolName + " se dirige vers un sur achat !");
                  inAlertTimer[i] = TimeLocal() + minuteLockAlertLongTimeframe * 60;
               }else if(StocCalculate(15,symbolName) <= stocIndiceLow && StocCalculate(30,symbolName) <= stocIndiceLow && StocCalculate(60,symbolName) <= stocIndiceLow && StocCalculate(240,symbolName) <= stocIndiceLow) {
                  Alert(symbolName + " se dirige vers un sous achat !");
                  inAlertTimer[i] = TimeLocal() + minuteLockAlertLongTimeframe * 60;
         }else if(inAlertTimer[i] < TimeLocal()){
            //printf("Vérifier si Petite Alert (2)");
            if(StocCalculate(15,symbolName) >= stocIndiceHigh && StocCalculate(30,symbolName) >= stocIndiceHigh && StocCalculate(60,symbolName) >= stocIndiceHigh && StocCalculate(240,symbolName) >= stocIndiceHigh){
               Alert(symbolName + " se dirige vers un sur achat !");
               inAlertTimer[i] = TimeLocal() + minuteLockAlertLongTimeframe * 60;
            }else if(StocCalculate(15,symbolName) <= stocIndiceLow && StocCalculate(30,symbolName) <= stocIndiceLow && StocCalculate(60,symbolName) <= stocIndiceLow && StocCalculate(240,symbolName) <= stocIndiceLow) {
               Alert(symbolName + " se dirige vers un sous achat !");
               inAlertTimer[i] = TimeLocal() + minuteLockAlertLongTimeframe * 60;

//| Calculate the stochasic                                           |                                   
 double StocCalculate(int timeFrame,string symbol_)
//| Count ";" in input symbol data                                   |
 int CountItems(string str)
   int n=0;
   int a = StringLen(str);
   for(int i=0 ; i<=a ; i++)
      if(StringSubstr(str,i,1) == ";")