Memory usage using call from DLL


Hi experts,

I wrote a small dll with Delphi reading the excelent following article :

I tried to use as few 'uses' clause as necessary, but the size of the dll is 546Ko.










The memory usage is more concerning :

Memory usage after call of DLL functions  

Execution is around 15 seconds and I plan to run once a day.

Do you think I can inprouve the code or does it seems to be normal?



Guide to writing a DLL for MQL5 in Delphi
  • 2010.06.25
  • Andrey Voytenko
The article examines the mechanism of creating a DLL module, using the popular programming language of ObjectPascal, within a Delphi programming environment. The materials, provided in this article, are designed to primarily target beginner programmers, who are working with problems, which breach the boundaries of the embedded programming language of MQL5, by connecting the outside DLL modules.