I have been rejected as a seller.


Hello I have been rejected as a seller and I am not sure why. MQL was not able to give reason for this, so in this case I am unable to rectify what the cause might be?

Is there a list of reason why this might be so and in this case I can filter then=m to find what it may be.

Best Regards and thanks for your time. 


What did the message say when they notified you about the rejection?

Did you read it?


Thanks for your help Keith

Please see attached snippet.


Rejection.PNG  19 kb

Thanks for your help Keith

Please see attached snippet.


AS it says they do not give reasons.
Nobody apart from Metaquotes will know what reasons there may be.

So that's it then, no seller account. I have spent over 6K here in MQL on products and services from this site and they will not give me an account to sell or market anything. Let along a reason for this. I have to say this is very disappointing.
So that's it then, no seller account. I have spent over 6K here in MQL on products and services from this site and they will not give me an account to sell or market anything. Let along a reason for this. I have to say this is very disappointing.
It may be a mistake. Write a message to service desk and they may investigate and fix it.

Forex Limerence EA #:
It may be a mistake. Write a message to service desk and they may investigate and fix 

Do you know where the service desk is please I can't find it anywhere

Efren_hernandez #: Do you know where the service desk is please I can't find it anywhere

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