Scripts: MQLUnit - Unit Tests Framework For Complex Expert Advisors


MQLUnit - Unit Tests Framework For Complex Expert Advisors:

This unit test frameworks eases the development of unit tests for more complex expert advisor programs. The MQL5 developer can test single components. The test framework starts the strategy tester so that there is test data available if required. I am using the framework to do test driven development (TDD) on my MQL5 programs.

MQLUnit - Unit Tests Framework For Complex Expert Advisors

Author: Niklas Rolf Alexander Schlimm

Thanks for your contributions. Hope I may examine and get what you want add to code developers mind and or decisions.
nail sertoglu:
Thanks for your contributions. Hope I may examine and get what you want add to code developers mind and or decisions.
Thanks mate ! Appreciate it! 👍


first of thank you for sharing this project!
I started using it and reached the first hurdles so I wanted to ask you what you would suggest because you surely use it for some time already.
I'm developing an EA and I want to unit test different classes, each with it's own corresponding test set in its own mql file.
Because a project only allows one entry point (OnInit()) I'm currently removing the 'real' EA mql file from the project and include the unit tests file each time before I can run the tests. 
That is of course very tedious. Do you have a suggestion on how to get around this?

Thanks in advance,
