Start the Trading Platform with a Custom Configuration File


I'm trying to make a  Walk Forward optimization system. I use the following method "Start MT5 with a Configuration File" .

My system start mt5 with Optimization=2, FromDate=2010 ToDate=2014 then turn off mt5.(this is InSample)

 Start Mt5 again use best result parameter of first Optimization, FromDate=2014 ToDate=2015 (this is OutSample)

  Start Mt5 again and with Optimization=2, FromDate=2011 ToDate=2015 then turn off mt5. (this is InSample)

Just do that, I will get results of Walk Forward Anylysis . 

if I want to optimize the parameters " InSample " and " OutSample " I will have to Start the Trading Platform mt5 many times. 

The problem in the shutdown and restart time. It takes a lot of time to shutdown and restart MT5

Is there any way to edit the Datetime without restart MT5.
