2 round number above and 2 round number below the actual bid.


i have found this simple round number indicator. for cpu raison and optimisation, i need to limit the calculation to :
 - 2 round numbers above the bid, and
 - 2 round numbers below the bid.
i am not very new in coding, but i am not yet intermediate.

So i ask your help to show me the way to do the desired result, please.
Thank you for your attention.

//*  RoundNr.mq4 (No Copyright)                    *
//*                                                *
//*  Draws horizontal lines at round price levels  *
//*                                                *
//*  Written by: Totoro @ forexfactory.com         *

#property indicator_chart_window

extern double LineSpace     = 1; // 1 unit = 0.01 of basic value (e.g. 1 USD cent)
extern color  LineColor     = DeepPink;
extern int    LineStyle     = 2;
extern string LineStyleInfo = "0=Solid,1=Dash,2=Dot,3=DashDot,4=DashDotDot";
extern string LineText      = "RoundNr ";

double LineSpaceOld;
double Hoch;
double Tief;
bool   FirstRun = true;

int deinit()
   double AbSpace = 0.01*LineSpace;
   double Oben    = MathRound(110*Hoch)/100;
   double Unten   = MathRound(80*Tief)/100;
   for(double i=0; i<=Oben; i+=AbSpace)
      if(i<Unten) { continue; }

int start()
      Hoch = NormalizeDouble( High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,Bars-1,0)], 2 );
      Tief = NormalizeDouble( Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,Bars-1,0)], 2 );
      FirstRun = false;
   else if(LineSpace != LineSpaceOld)
      Hoch = NormalizeDouble( High[iHighest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,Bars-1,0)], 2 );
      Tief = NormalizeDouble( Low[iLowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,Bars-1,0)], 2 );
   LineSpaceOld = LineSpace;

void DrawLines()
   double AbSpace = 0.01*LineSpace;
   double Oben    = MathRound(110*Hoch)/100;
   double Unten   = MathRound(80*Tief)/100;

   for(double i=0; i<=Oben; i+=AbSpace)
      if(i<Unten) { continue; }
      string StringNr = DoubleToStr(i,2); // 2 digits number in object name
      if (ObjectFind(LineText+StringNr) != 0) // HLine not in main chartwindow
         ObjectCreate(LineText+StringNr, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, i);
         ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
         ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_COLOR, LineColor);
      else // Adjustments
         ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_PRICE1, i);
         ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);
         ObjectSet(LineText+StringNr, OBJPROP_COLOR, LineColor);