Help!, change spread pips to points

I have an EA and It does not allow a Buy or a Sell order if spread is high, but problem is that EA only limit the spread in pips and I need to limit the spread in points. Could someone help me? 😀
Thank you!

Text("Current Spread: "+DoubleToString(Spread(),1)+" pips",3);

double Spread(string symbol=NULL)


   double res=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(NN(symbol),SYMBOL_SPREAD);

   int digits=(int)SymbolInfoInteger(NN(symbol),SYMBOL_DIGITS);

   if(digits==5 || digits==3 || digits==1) res=res*0.1;



Instead of "res=res*0.1 "change to " res=res*1" or try to input at max spread setting 0.6 for example .