Get Price of Last Traded Order


Dear all,

So i'm pretty new to MQL5 and are trying to learn the language,

What i'm trying to do is that i have pending orders with SL and TP being executed OnInit()

What i needed is that if the pending order were closed due to hitting SL, i want to retrieve the price of that particular order.

so i tried this in the strategy tester

void OnTrade(
   const MqlTradeTransaction&    trans,        // trade transaction structure
    const MqlTradeRequest&          request,      // request structure
    const MqlTradeResult&           result        // result structure

but it return only the LAST order when it ran.

Say i have 5 pending orders

Order NumberPriceSLTP
 4 1.053 1.043 1.063
 5 1.063 1.053 1.063

So i only get 1.063 even if Order Number 3 (Priced at 1.043) was closed due to stop loss.

Any Help ?