Candles not getting displayed from the file.


I have tried the following method to display the candles from a a file to the indicator window. See the code:  

#property version "1.10"
// ---- drawing the indicator in a separate window
#property indicator_separate_window
// ----, eight buffers are used to calculate and draw the indicator
#property indicator_buffers 8
// ---- used only four graphical constructions
#property indicator_plots 4

#property indicator_type1 DRAW_COLOR_CANDLES
//#property indicator_color4 clrDodgerBlue, clrLightSkyBlue, clrGray, clrPink, clrMagenta
#property indicator_color1 clrLime, clrRed, clrGray
// ---- display indicator label
#property indicator_label1 "Open; High; Low; Close"

input int Shift = 0; // shift the indicator lights horizontally in bars to the left

double ExtOpenBuffer [];
double ExtHighBuffer [];
double ExtLowBuffer [];
double ExtCloseBuffer [];
double ExtColorsBuffer [];

int min_rates_total, min_rates_1, min_rates_2, min_rates_3;
// ---- declaration of global variables
double o[],h[],l[],c[];
// + ----------------------------------------------- ------------------- +
// | Recalculate the position of the newest element in the array |
// + ----------------------------------------------- ------------------- +   

string filename = "traincandle.csv",all,lines[],cell[];
ushort SepLine = StringGetCharacter("\n",0),
          SepCell = StringGetCharacter(",",0);
int OnInit ()
  int nL,i,hdl = FileOpen(filename,FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE|FILE_BIN|FILE_COMMON); // |FILE_COMMON: a csv-file in the common folder
  if (hdl<0) 
         Alert("Can't open ",filename,", err: ",_LastError);
   int sz = (int)FileSize(hdl); 
   all = FileReadString(hdl,sz); // read complete file
   nL = i = StringSplit(all,SepLine,lines); // split into lines => \n is eliminated!!
   int start = -1;
    while (start++ < i-2) { // read from last to first line
      int nC = StringSplit(lines[start],SepCell,cell);
      o[start] = StringToDouble(cell[0]);
      h[start] = StringToDouble(cell[1]);
      l[start] = StringToDouble(cell[2]);
      c[start] = StringToDouble(cell[3]);


   SetIndexBuffer (0, ExtOpenBuffer, INDICATOR_DATA);
   SetIndexBuffer (1, ExtHighBuffer, INDICATOR_DATA);
   SetIndexBuffer (2, ExtLowBuffer, INDICATOR_DATA);
   SetIndexBuffer (3, ExtCloseBuffer, INDICATOR_DATA);
   SetIndexBuffer (4, ExtColorsBuffer, INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX);
   PlotIndexSetInteger (0, PLOT_SHOW_DATA, false);   
   PlotIndexSetInteger (1, PLOT_SHOW_DATA, false);   
   PlotIndexSetInteger (2, PLOT_SHOW_DATA, false);   

   PlotIndexSetInteger (3, PLOT_SHOW_DATA, false);   
   ArraySetAsSeries (ExtOpenBuffer, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries (ExtHighBuffer, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries (ExtLowBuffer, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries (ExtCloseBuffer, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries (ExtColorsBuffer, true);
   IndicatorSetInteger (INDICATOR_DIGITS, _Digits);
   string short_name = "Training";
   IndicatorSetString (INDICATOR_SHORTNAME, short_name);
   return (INIT_SUCCEEDED);
int OnCalculate (const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime & time [],
                const double & open [],
                const double & high [],
                const double & low [],
                const double & close [],
                const long & tick_volume [],
                const long & volume [],
                const int & spread [])
   if (rates_total <min_rates_total) return (0);

   int bar, limit;

   if (prev_calculated> rates_total || prev_calculated <= 0) // check for the first start of the indicator calculation
      limit = rates_total-2;
      limit = rates_total-prev_calculated; // starting number for calculating new bars
// ---- the main cycle of calculation of the candlestick indicator
   for (bar = ArraySize(o)-1; bar>=0 &&! IsStopped (); bar--)
      // ---- 
      ExtOpenBuffer [bar] = o[bar];
      ExtHighBuffer [bar] = h[bar];
      ExtLowBuffer [bar] = l[bar];
      ExtCloseBuffer [bar] = c[bar];
      if(o[bar] < c[bar])
      ExtColorsBuffer[bar] = 0;
      else if(o[bar] > c[bar])
      ExtColorsBuffer[bar] = 1;
      ExtColorsBuffer[bar] = 2;
   return (1);

I have attached the sample file that I have used in the indicator.

I am not able to see the candles on the screen see the image:  

Kindly, help me get the values displayed on the indicator window. Please let me know how to show it as it is while time move on. 
