Help please, iCustom indicator buffers returning zero


I have some fairly basic test code integrate with the indicator from the market. I am having huge problems getting any data back and would really appreciate any assistance anyone could provide...

The code just takes the first buffer and the second bar. I get no errors from the handle or result but the buffers are zero.

Hoping someone can just confirm if the code looks OK or have I missed something. Thanks.

int CS28;
double testBuffer[1];
datetime prevStrengthCalcM5;

int OnInit()

   CS28=iCustom(_Symbol,PERIOD_M5,"Market\\Advanced Currency Strength28 MT5","","",true,true,23);
   int error=GetLastError();
   Print("Handle error: "+IntegerToString(error));
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()

   if (prevStrengthCalcM5!=iTime("EURUSD",PERIOD_M5,0))

      int result=CopyBuffer(CS28,0,1,1,testBuffer);
      if (result>=0)
         Print("testBuffer: "+DoubleToString(testBuffer[0]));
         int error=GetLastError();
         Print("Error: "+IntegerToString(error));