mql5, Build 1881, Webrequest broken? [no its not->fixed]



Im using the Webrequest-method to communicate with my controll server. Somehow this does not work anymore.

It seems that Metatrader is stuck in a endless loop (and eventually crashes), starting at call Webrequest();. I've allready tried to inspect the situation using brackpoints, other implementations, https, non https but nothing brought me further.

int r=WebRequest(
                "Content-Type: application/json\r\n",
                data, //char array with json data
                response, //char array for the response
                result_headers //string for the result headers

However the request is processed by the server and the response is sent. (Verifed by wireshark)


I've got it fixed. The problem was, i didn't specified the "Content-length" header.-field Appearently this was fine until the last couple versions...