click button



i want to provide a click button in my expert which behaviour is the same as any normal button.

So, when mouse is over button and left mouse button pressed, the button should change into pressed state.

Unfortunately, i get no such LBUTTON_DOWN event.

The next useful event for this is CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK.

But this is triggered, when left mouse button released.

Is there any chance (best without hack) to catch LBUTTON_DOWN event ?

Thank you for any advice.


There is no Event for the pressed or depressed state, you have to handle state with your own logic

Enrique Dangeroux:

There is no Event for the pressed or depressed state, you have to handle state with your own logic

Thank you for answer, but this was not my question. 

The question is: Can i catch the left mouse button down event.

I get only the event when mouse button released.



i want to provide a click button in my expert which behaviour is the same as any normal button.

So, when mouse is over button and left mouse button pressed, the button should change into pressed state.

Unfortunately, i get no such LBUTTON_DOWN event.

The next useful event for this is CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK.

But this is triggered, when left mouse button released.

Is there any chance (best without hack) to catch LBUTTON_DOWN event ?

Thank you for any advice.

You should try to solve this by win api functions. I dealt with a similar (not the same) problem in this thread:
OBJ_EDIT focus
OBJ_EDIT focus
  • 2018.01.18
Hello, I have two similar questions related to OBJ_EDIT: 1) Can I find out if the object (OBJ_EDIT) has focus (the cursor blinks inside the box) in...
Petr Nosek:
You should try to solve this by win api functions. I dealt with a similar (not the same) problem in this thread:

There's no need for hacks my fren. Here is example EA button which capture left click events.

//|                                                     ButtonEA.mq4 |
//|                                    Copyright 2018, Sanjay Balraj |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "Copyright 2017, Sanjay Balraj"
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
#include <ChartObjects\ChartObjectsTxtControls.mqh>

class EAbutton : public CChartObjectButton
   bool  m_ignore;
   bool  m_locked_state;
      m_ignore = false;
      m_locked_state = State(); 
   bool Create()
         return false;
      Description("Click me!");
      return true;
   void OnChartEvent(int id,long lp,double dp,string sp)
      if(id==CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK && sp == Name())
         m_locked_state = State();
         m_ignore = false;
         Alert(StringFormat("Button(%s) state = %s",Name(),string(State())));   
         Description(State() ? "BUTTON_DOWN" : "BUTTON_UP");  
      if(id==CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE && sp == "1" && IsButtonZone((int)lp,(int)dp))
            m_ignore = true;
      if(id==CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE && !IsButtonZone((int)lp,(int)dp))
         if(State() != m_locked_state)
            m_ignore = false;
   bool  IsButtonZone(int x,int y)
      return (x >= X_Distance() && x <= X_Distance()+X_Size()) && (y >= Y_Distance() && y <= Y_Distance() + Y_Size());

EAbutton button;
int OnInit()
      return INIT_FAILED;
void OnTick(){}
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)

Thank you for answer, but this was not my question. 

The question is: Can i catch the left mouse button down event.

I get only the event when mouse button released.

There is none. Maybe you can abuse Drag event but probably only fires when mouse click down + mouse move. 

Why do you need to it anyway? 

Enrique Dangeroux:

There is none. Maybe you can abuse Drag event but probably only fires when mouse click down + mouse move. 

Why do you need to it anyway? 

No need for abuse my fren... There is event for left click down. See my example above. 

Thank you for answer, but this was not my question. 

The question is: Can i catch the left mouse button down event.

I get only the event when mouse button released.

Use MOUSE_MOVE event and check sparam value. (see documentation).

EDIT: just saw @SanjayBalraj which provides the code.

There's no need for hacks my fren. Here is example EA button which capture left click events.

Thank you, this works fine. This is the solution what i am looking for.


Thank you, this works fine. This is the solution what i am looking for.

Just a comment: This is a creative solution but a native left button down event would be better,

because you don't need to make those checks when mouse is moving.

Given you have 50 buttons, it could get a performance drawdown.


Just a comment: This is a creative solution but a native left button down event would be better,

because you don't need to make those checks when mouse is moving.

Given you have 50 buttons, it could get a performance drawdown.

Unfortunately that's the only way to capture left click down events in mql, and while a performance drain would be quantifiable on the microsecond scale, it would be completely imperceptible to the human brain.