Why Stop Loss is very important - page 2


Use "Stop Loss." Many traders don’t like using"Stop Loss." They think that when the Stop Loss is hit, price will bounce back according to their Target Profit. This is not recommended. Stop Loss is used to prevent you from getting a bigger loss. When you are already an expert you will understand why Stop Loss is so important.


Forex is a tough business to predict well, since forex has a very high risk that to be successful we have to be able to minimize the risk properly. one of them is to use SL when trading so we will get the maximum results


forex is a business that has a very high risk, with the risk that we need to learn and practice trading with forex well and sometimes risks can not we expect, for that we need to minimize foreign exchange risk by trying to use SL when trading


Forex is a business that has a high risk that we need to be able to have a good risk management that will allow us to minimize risk by trading well so we will give maximum results


trade using a stop loss is very important for us because with stop loss then the risk will be minimized by either us therefore, we must use a stop loss when trading then our trading results will be maximized. trading without a stop loss is very dangerous