My Daily Video Journal



Thank you for following my journal. Lately, I have been having great success trading metals. Primarily gold though. I decided to do a video journal of my daily trades. Let me know what you think.

All videos are free via youtube. Hopefully, as I elucidate my thought process in real time, you can benefit as well. Watching others trade in real time, is a great learning tool, in my opinion. Regardless, if he(she) is right or wrong. It helps you to think and develop your own intuition.

Not sure how long I will keep this going, but as long as I have time to do it, I will. Also, it depends on the responses ( or lack thereof). I mean, who wants to go back on stage after they get booed, right? Lol! Please, no booing. Debasing is not necessary and will not be tolerated.

I am being tracked on , so look me up if you want to follow.

Thanks and welcome to my journal!