Dollars as alternative for gold very soon.


Nice if you got into the market in time. Like in 2005

when gold was around 400$. The consequences of the

on and on rising goldprices for the world economy

have appeared to be a disaster.

It likely is, if you watch realistically, even

the cause of the credit crises.

Economy always brings up the chicken and egg causality

dilemma. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Do investors run for gold at the moment because they

expect economical problems; or did the shares go down

worldwide because everyone puts his money in gold suddenly.

If you think logically and assume that people actually

are responisble themselves, then the last one seems to be

most acceptable.

Fact is that gold is extraordinary valuable now and that

smart ones who indeed got into the market at 400$ have made

a lot of money. You most be almost crazy if you still want

to buy gold at this sky-high rates. Buying gold now is, very

clearly, madness.

As the economical prospects are getting better it seems as logical

that gold has most probably made it's crest. Or will do that very soon.

The question is whether we are going

to decrease fast or if it will be a slow way down. (!!!!)

Gold is furthmermore not profitable, you don't get any dividend at

it, only a rate increase makes the money. When the rate increase falls away

gold is suddenly not a good investment anymore.

When investors realize this, they will quickly sell and rather sell

against a plus 1000 $ then for half of the money or even less.

Important alternative for gold can be dollars. Now less valuable

but there is nothing more smart then buying a worthless currency.

If this is a worldvalue at least, like the dollar.It looks like

there is almost no other choice than buying dollars. The total amount

of the goldstock is 4900 billion dollar. (based at 150.000 tons of gold)

And that whilst President Obama is allowed to use 7000 billion for

recovery, from which he only used 1000 billion.

The present high goldprice is a very big problem. The money is to be precisely

at the wrong place. Governments and central banks (with speculants

tracking them closely) have to do everything to bring back the dollar

again at normal levels (like 0,85 or 0,90 or maybe even 1,1 or 1,20


The recession is over, the economical forecasts are good and the shares

can due to this go back fast to 2007 levels.