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NZ-India free trade talks

boon for WSD customers

NEW DELHI, India (23 February 2009) – Financial industry players here and in New Zealand have welcomed the decision over the weekend of trade ministers in both countries to start negotiating for a free trade agreement (FTA).

“This is an exciting development. All the more are we bullish about the market between India and New Zealand,” remarked Riaz Patel, managing director of WSD Global Trading, Inc., a major financial trading organization based in Auckland.

“Much more when the two countries would sign and ratify a bilateral agreement,” added Patel whose company serves clients who trade from here and New Zealand in foreign exchange, precious metals, futures, options and contracts for difference.

New Zealand Trade Minister Tim Groser and Indian Minister for Commerce and Industry Kamal Nath agreed here on Feb. 20 to commence FTA negotiations that are expected to begin later this year.

In their trade liberalization talks, both leaders were convinced by the joint study that shows considerable potential to further develop substantially the growing trade and economic relationship between the two British Commonwealth countries.

India and New Zealand explored the possibility of negotiating an FTA in 2007 when now opposition leader Phil Goff was Trade Minister, and the study was pursued before the new administration in Wellington assumed office last November.

Goff then noted that, beyond addressing the market access barriers in agricultural, forestry and other products, the FTA would also address other key areas like services and investment.

“Looking to the future, services are likely to be a particularly important area for both countries,” Goff said in a speech during a Business Forum on New Zealand - Trade Relations here last Oct. 1, 2008.

WSD officials have since been eager about the broader relations developing between the two countries especially that the company operates in the service sector, particularly in facilitating trade and investments.

“Even while the FTA will still be negotiated, we have already experienced growing transactions for our clients in India and within New Zealand,” said the WSD top official.

WSD has been assisting clients develop strategies for and realize their financial goals, providing them with the best options available in managing their wealth, using unrivaled trading tools and state-of-the-art trading software.

WSD has tie ups in India with an extensive network of corporation, banks, financial institutions and investment houses that give clients access to various financial products and services, giving its clients high probability in achieving their goals.

WSD is registered with the National Futures Association and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in the US, a member of Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange and licensed by the Capital Market Authority of Kenya as investment adviser.

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