Hello everyone!


Hello everyone, I'm a newbie to the forum and forex. I would like to ask you old pros what do you think of forex automoney before I invest in their program, $4.95 for the first three days then $99.00 a month after that. Thanks.


Type forex automoney scam in google and read reviews!!!


I got an advice

I´m a new here too, but I´m using the MT4 and It helps me a lot.

Try it; it would be a good teacher for you before you invest. This is the most close to the real life, so you can see how much money you can get.

Good luck!


hello..im new to forex. need help starting today!


The first you have to do is get good information about Forex, books, webs, softwares, etc.

When I was a beginner I read a lot, but the definitions helped me a lot, because I understood everything from the books. A good one is from tradeview, it can help you.

After, I got the MT4, It´s a good software to practice.

This is what I did; you can do the same. Good luck!


Yeah! I like those kataley´s ideas.

You can follow them.

The MT4´s excellent .


First you are necessary to be trained on Demo. It is whereupon possible to invest a small amount, if in a year it will turn out it is possible to invest 1000 dollars.


I don’t know in what part u need help Danial… But if you want to start today and u know NOTHING about forex, is good to read a lot about it. But if u do know about forex and u want to get start it, is good to get good software. I like Mt4 from tradeview, is easy to use


Hi to everyone.