Help - Add price offset


Can someone help me to add a price offset to this alert ? Right now the alert works when the price crosses the upper MA and when the price crosses the lower MA. I would like the alert to occur 10pips above the upper MA and 10pips below the lower MA.

Need alert to function as follows:

Alert - when price +10 pips crosses the upper smma

Alert - when price -10 pips crosses the lower smma

Thank you very much..


#property indicator_chart_window

extern int MA1.period =5; //Period 5

extern int MA1.shift=0;

extern int MA1.method=2; //SMMA

extern int lMA1.price=2; //MA set to candle high

extern int sMA1.price=3; //MA set to candle low

extern int PriceMode = 6; //(high+low+close+close)/4

int cBar,pBarLong,pBarShort;

int start()


cBar = Time[0];

if(CheckMACross(1)== 1 && cBar!=pBarLong ) {EmailAlert(1); pBarLong=cBar;}


if(CheckMACross(2)==-1 && cBar!=pBarShort) {EmailAlert(2); pBarShort=cBar;}



int CheckMACross(int mode)


if(mode==1) int price = lMA1.price;


if(mode==2) price = sMA1.price;

double price1 = iMA(Symbol(),0,1,0,1,PriceMode,1);

double ma1 = iMA(Symbol(),0,MA1.period,MA1.shift ,MA1.method, price,1);

double price0 = iMA(Symbol(),0,1,0,1,PriceMode,0);

double ma0 = iMA(Symbol(),0,MA1.period,MA1.shift ,MA1.method, price,0);

if(ma1 > price1 && ma0 <= price0) return( 1);


if(ma1 = price0) return(-1);





if(mode == 1) SendMail("Signal for LONG",Symbol()+" Go Long"); //SendMail


if(mode == 2) SendMail("Signal for SHORT",Symbol()+" Go Short");//SendMail


int lastBAlert = 0;

int lastSAlert = 0;

void EmailAlert(int mode)


if(mode == 1 && lastBAlert < Time[0] )


SendMail("Go Long 1",Symbol()+" Go Long 1"); //SendMail

lastBAlert = Time[0];


else if(mode == 2 && lastSAlert < Time[0] )


SendMail("Go Short 1",Symbol()+" Go Short 1"); //SendMail

lastSAlert = Time[0];


