Custom Code request : Action breakeven stop Automatic


A custom code request.
At any point in time on a pair ( I trade 4 pairs ) I will have three to four orders placed to BUY or SELL the spot. All orders are away from the current price level when orders are entered.

Example of an order
Current price AUDUSD 0.75

My custom programming request is that when any ORDER is filled and current price moves the trade into a minimum of a 50 pip unrealised profit the STOP LOSS is adjusted to breakeven say 0.7585 automatically. This action would be for all lots in the trade.
Parameters would be
>Breakeven Cover pips : 5 >>> difference between trade entry SELL LIMIT .7590 and the breakeven stop .7585 in the above example.
>Unrealised Pip Profit minimum : 50 as per example above.

Code should cover.
>Transmission issues to broker.
>All lots with in a trade
>On failure to transmit stop to broker an email is actioned.
>I do not wish to load orders into code every time I make or change the order, it should be automatic.
>Have the ability to ACTIVATE or DE ACTIVATE pairs, so I would load in EURUSD, GBPUSD. So only these two pairs would be active for the code.
If order is already active and current stop loss (if it exists) is manually moved, but still is NOT at breakeven then it still should activate if the 50 pip profit is achieved.
>The code should not be efffected by changes (if it exists) of take profit price settings in any way.

What do you think easy peasy, please send your comments and if this is a can do ???