The panic on Downing Street shows the Brexit threat is real


t's not a close referendum until the government cowers

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne hit the panic button yesterday by promising 30 billion pounds in tax hikes and spending cuts if the voters choose to leave the EU.

It includes a petulant threat to raise taxes on the lowest wage earners.

Cameron and Osborne stoked anti-EU sentiment when it was convenient for them. They insultingly believed the voters would vote however they were told.

It's enough to make someone vote for a Brexit out of spite.

What's most discouraging is that this is probably the peak of Brexit fears (and the bottom in GBP). Around a week before a protest vote is when voters begin to get cold feet. If the polls show stalled Brexit momentum or a shift back to 'remain', then Osborne will give himself a pat on the back for scaring UK voters into submission.
