UK's NIESR expects GBP to fall around 20% if Leave vote prevails


The National Institute of Economic and Social Research out with their latest findings on Brexit 10 May 2016

         * if UK votes to Leave EU 2017 GDP will be 1% lower and 2.3% lower in 2018

         * If UK votes to Remain then 2016 GDP f/cast +2.0%

         * 2017 GDP +2.7%

         * forecast range reflects uncertainty on UK's trade deal with EU, does not include likely hit to productivity

More on the NIESR:

The National Institute of Economic and Social Research is Britain's longest established independent research institute, founded in 1938. The vision of our founders was to carry out research to improve understanding of the economic and social forces that affect people's lives, and the ways in which policy can bring about change. We continue to apply our expertise in both quantitative and qualitative methods and our understanding of economic and social issues to current debates and to influence policy.

The Institute is independent of all party political interests. We receive no core funding from government and are not affiliated to any single university, although our staff regularly undertake projects in collaboration with leading academic institutions.

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