UK EU Referendum: YouGov Poll Shows Even Split on EU Membership


Nearly fifty public opinion polls on the UK's membership of the European Union (EU) have been published so far since the start of this year, out of which some 60% have shown support for the 'Remain' camp.

A poll by YouGov published on Thursday showed 39% support for the pro-EU camp and the same or anti-EU supporters, with as many as 22% undecided. A recent poll published by the ICM research agency on April 12 showed 45% of the respondents thought Britain should leave the European common bloc, while 42% said they preferred their country inside the EU, and 12% were undecided.

A less distant scale of polls shows the support for the 'In' camp has been diminishing slightly, with only 50% of polls published since the Brussels terrorist attacks showing support for those preferring their country inside the EU, 30% for leaving, and the rest evenly split.

ICM said that despite the warnings from the government on the risks stemming from leaving the EU, public opinion continues to hover very tightly between the 'Yes' and 'No' camps.

Meanwhile on Wednesday, the UK's Electoral Commission designated the two official lead campaigners at the EU Referendum – 'The In Campaign Ltd' to be the lead campaigner for the 'Remain' outcome, and 'Vote Leave Ltd' for the 'Leave' camp.

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